Norman Walker - juice treatment. Dr. Walker: A quick and effective method of cleansing the body Animal fat tissue is a settling tank for sewage

A man who has proven from his own experience the benefits of a natural plant-based diet and raw vegetable and fruit juices, the author of 10 educational books and simply a long-liver - Norman Walker. In this article we would like to talk about this unusual man and his “live” diet

Russian-language resources are not overloaded with information about Norman Walker; the same short biography is retold in a new way, acquiring more or less realistic details. For example, some sources claim that the father of juice therapy lived 113 years, while others insist on the number 119! However, if you look at the facts, it turns out that Walker lived in perfect health for 99 years, which is also not short.

Norman Walker was born on January 4, 1886 in Genoa. He was the second child in the family of a local priest, an ordinary boy who did not stand out among his peers. Later, 4 more children appeared in the family. In 1910 the whole family emigrated to England.

Norman had problems with work, changing one job after another, the young man increasingly realized that he needed to open his own business. Moreover, the guy managed to get married and have two charming daughters. The family had to be provided for somehow, but the business did not bring a stable income. Over time, Norman's health began to deteriorate.

At the age of 30, the future father of juice therapy suddenly couldn’t get out of bed one day. There are all the signs of a nervous breakdown from overwork. A doctor who came to the patient’s home advised Norman to retire for at least 8-12 months and move away from the city to one of the provinces of France. The doctor also recommended walking in the fresh air, going to bed early and eating the same food as the French peasants.

Having settled with an elderly French couple, Norman Walker one day saw the hostess peeling carrots, the moisture that emerged from under the skin seemed so desirable to him that he asked for several root vegetables, peeled them, crushed them and squeezed out the first cup of carrot juice in the history of mankind.

Over the next 8 weeks, Walker experiments, squeezing and tasting vegetable and fruit juices. He likes the fresh, invigorating taste so much that he sometimes drinks up to 4 liters of freshly squeezed juice daily. Soon Norman was so rested and strong that he returned to the city to the surprise of his attending physician.

The young man now drinks raw vegetable juices every day and continues to experiment with his own health, including more and more natural foods in his diet. Norman's health is improving every day, his energy and creative thinking are returning and bringing new ideas for business.

Having moved with his family to Long Beach, California and having found a like-minded person, Norman opens the first ever “Fresh Juice Bar”, the consumer reacts with interest to the unusual establishment. The business is growing and soon there is a demand for delivering fresh juices to customers' homes.

By 1930, Walker and his partner had developed several dozen fresh juice recipes, which were in great demand among local residents. When the business was already generating good income, the health department banned the sale of unpasteurized juices, and the bar had to be closed.

Norman, meanwhile, developed a model of a juicer and launched its mass production in Anaheim, California. Despite steel shortages during World War II, production did not stop. This model of juicer, consisting of a crusher and a press, is still produced today.

Walker and his partner made a second attempt to open a juice factory in 1940, buying an old cotton mill in Utah for this purpose, but again the idea failed due to strict sanitary standards. Walker sold his part of the plant to a partner and devoted himself to popularizing the theory of “live” nutrition.

Walker publishes a magazine dedicated to natural nutrition and, for several years, runs a health ranch in Arizona. After some time, he retired to devote all his time to writing and pass on as much knowledge as possible to future generations.

In 1970, Dr. Margaret's wife died at the age of 80. After being sad for some time, the founding father of naturopathy married for the second time. And a few years later, his young wife gave birth to a son, which surprised the public a lot. “This fully proves the effectiveness of vegetable juices!” - exclaimed the happy 90-year-old father.

Until the last days of his life, Walker adhered to his own diet, mostly vegetarian, consisting of fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and nuts. The doctor maintained physical and mental activity until the very end of his life. A positive mood and faith in the future is what distinguished him from most old people.

This amazing man died in his home in Arizona, he just went to bed one day and didn’t wake up. This happened on June 6, 1985, when he was 99 years old. The Vedas say that only the most virtuous people deserve such a death.

Basic principles of healthy eating:

Norman Walker followed an exclusively vegetarian diet. His knowledge was of an intuitive nature; in our time, the harm of red meat, as well as pork and fatty poultry, has already been scientifically confirmed. The naturopath strongly recommended giving up any type of meat, fish and seafood. Walker allows a little raw egg white in some recipes.

Walker quite rightly assumed that sugar was evil. It is not difficult to notice that this substance causes attachment akin to drug addiction. It has been observed that a small dose of sugar stimulates mental and physical activity and causes mild euphoria, but after a few minutes the elated state is replaced by apathy. In addition, excessive consumption of sweets overloads the pancreas and leads to diabetes. Not to mention that white refined sugar can damage your teeth. Walker suggests replacing sugar with honey, maple syrup, black molasses and sweet fruits.

Also, the “live” diet excludes starchy foods: white bread, pasta, cakes, pies and pastries, potatoes and some cereals.

Replacing animal fat with vegetable oils. Walker cautions readers against eating fried foods. When heated, oils change their structure and turn from healthy products into carcinogens. The same goes for margarine and palm oil. Natural nutrition includes many types of cold-pressed vegetable oils: flaxseed, cedar, corn, olive, sunflower, nut oils, etc.

Carbonated drinks are also on Dr. Walker’s black list, and it’s not surprising, because in addition to carbon dioxide, dyes and preservatives, they also contain off-scale sugar. And as we remember, sugar swings the nervous system like a pendulum: first rise, euphoria, vigor, then decline, lethargy, lethargy.

Dr. Walker's diet excludes cow's milk, calling it one of the most harmful foods. At the same time, it is allowed to consume in small quantities: cream, “young” and Swiss cheeses, cottage cheese, butter. Goat milk is regarded as a healthy product.

Cleanliness of the large intestine is the key to the health of the body as a whole. In order to have a healthy intestine, the doctor recommends following all the points described above, eating only raw, unprocessed foods and drinking freshly squeezed vegetable juices. And also carry out regular cleansing procedures in the form of enemas and juice fasting.

From time to time, for health purposes, it is recommended to fast on juices. This fasting lasts from 3 to 7 days and allows the body to cleanse itself of everything unnecessary and harmful. Detailed instructions on how to carry out juice fasting can be found in the books of Norman Walker.

The “live” diet consists of 100% organic products: whole grains soaked overnight, fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, wild edible herbs, nuts, berries and root vegetables, seaweed, natural juices. High-calorie additions to the diet include honey, bee pollen, some dairy products and occasionally egg yolks.

In addition to food, Walker’s health system includes exercise, regular walks in the fresh air, a positive attitude and a kind attitude towards himself and the people around him.

Norman Walker about himself:

Once, already as an elderly man, the doctor said: “Having reached this age, I can frankly admit that I do not feel the years I have lived. I have not aged since I became an adult, and I can assure you that today I feel more energetic and cheerful than I did at the age of 30. I don't celebrate birthdays or think about age. Today I can tell the world that I enjoy good health and a fulfilling life. I am ageless!

The one quote from Dr. Walker that stuck with me the most was, “Taking a painkiller is like cutting the doorbell wire just as your neighbor comes to tell you your house is on fire.”

Books by Norman Walker

Norman Walker left about a dozen books as a legacy for future generations, which were so popular that they were reprinted more than 100 times and translated into 129 languages. The naturopath also created 3 educational posters. We have compiled for you a brief description of Dr. Walker's books, which have been translated into Russian:

Book: “Juice Treatment”

The first book, published in 1937, is rightfully considered a bestseller in nutrition. It has been reprinted 12 times and has been translated into many languages ​​around the world.

The book describes more than 87 recipes for raw vegetable and fruit juices. Detailed information is provided on treatment regimens for various diseases and the benefits of each plant used in juice therapy. As well as a list of diseases with recommendations and recipes for treatment.

You can download the book at.pdfformat at the link: Norman

Book: “172 recipes for health and longevity from Dr. Walker”

The beginning of the book talks about the dangers of the modern “urban” diet and the benefits of natural nutrition. Next, the author sheds light on what plant enzymes are and what they are needed for. The author shares his own recipe for “healthy” yeast-free bread consisting of almonds, cashews, carrot pulp and green beans.

The second part contains tables of nutritional value and compatibility of products, the main postulates of “live nutrition”. Also, the reader can take advantage of a convenient daily menu built on the principles of “live” nutrition and become familiar with the basic procedures for purifying the blood and gastrointestinal tract.

You can download the book at.pdfformat from the link:

Book: “Guide to diets and salads, supplemented with fresh juices from vegetables and fruits”

This cookbook was a fantastic success among housewives. After all, for the first time in an accessible form, it was described how to choose and prepare healthy food. The book contains more than 70 recipes.

Book: “Falking against all diseases”

This is what any average person would like to hear! Norman Walker promises to use delicious juices to heal such serious diseases as diabetes, rheumatism and even syphilis. The book contains useful information about vitamins and microelements, as well as a description of the composition of freshly squeezed juices. In addition to vegetable and fruit juices, the effects of garden and wild herbs are described. The author presents his know-how to the general public - therapeutic juice fasting.

You can download the book at.pdfformat from the link:

Book: “The Natural Path to Full Health”

Describes the structure of the human body and the functions of the nervous system, glands and internal organs. The book does not contain too many recommendations about proper nutrition, but it exposes the main enemies of health: white flour, starch, carbonated drinks, saturated fats, sugar and other harmful foods.

You can download the book at.pdfformat from the link:

You can also find other books by Norman Walker for free sale and on the Internet: “Dr. Walker’s Health System”, “Diet for Health and Longevity”, “Cleansing is the Sure Path to Health”, “Control over the Body. Weight loss. Improving the body”, “Get younger!”, “How water can threaten health” - this book is mentioned in various sources, but the author of the article, unfortunately, did not find either a detailed description or these books in Russian.


From the point of view of a practicing physician, Norman Walker's arguments will seem at least naive, if not downright ridiculous. However, with his good health and almost 100 years of active life, the luminary of healthy eating proved that his nutrition system deserves attention and respect. Perhaps each of us should read one of his books and try to follow the recommendations of old man Norman for at least a couple of months in order to compare our condition on a regular diet and the live nutrition of “Doctor” Walker.

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This book by Dr. Walker was first published in 1936. She immediately gained popularity in many countries around the world. Today it can easily be considered a classic of alternative medicine, and Norman Walker himself can be considered one of the luminaries of this trend. Naturally, since the first publication of the book, a lot has changed in the world, in a person’s knowledge of himself, his health, methods of restoring and preserving it, but Dr. Walker’s advice does not lose its relevance; on the contrary, the effectiveness of his method is increasingly confirmed, attracting millions of new followers who want to take the path of a healthy lifestyle. We have taken the liberty of adding some clarification to Dr. Walker's text, taking into account the achievements of the last 70 years and the realities of our time.

Chapter 1
We are what we eat

Are you familiar with this paradoxical statement? It could be rephrased: we feel only as good as we eat right. Everyone knows that the human body consists of billions of living cells. And they need constant nutrition, lively and active. It depends only on us, on our nutrition, how comfortable our body is, whether it is healthy.

Everyone understands that the body must eat in order to replenish its biological resources. If we do not take food, it will lead to exhaustion and ultimately death. However, in order to live a full life, it is not enough to simply consume certain foods. Nutrition must be correct and reasonable, otherwise we will not only die before our due time, but at the same time we will also suffer from various diseases.

Here, however, it should be noted that not only proper nutrition maintains our health. Even if a person provides his body with many vital substances, he will not be healthy and strong if he does not pay close attention to his thoughts and soul.

We can eat the best and highest quality food, but it will not do any good if we are constantly haunted by fear, anger, anxiety, and envy. Negative emotions can destroy even a very strong and resilient organism. They say that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind. What should a person who is cheerful, energetic and self-confident worry about? Undoubtedly, such confidence can only be given to us by good health, which is a necessary condition for satisfying the needs of life. Both family joys and creative success depend on it. Therefore, the question of proper nutrition as the basis for maintaining health is, in fact, if you think about it, a question of human happiness.

The problem of proper nutrition is a complex and ambiguous problem. There are a huge number of theories of proper nutrition, and it would be more reasonable to talk not about any one “correct” system, but about following the principles of healthy eating.

With all the variety of proper nutrition systems, perhaps there is no one where it would not be recommended to actively eat vegetables and fruits. We also consider them a vital component of a healthy diet and will talk here about the healing capabilities of vegetable and fruit juices.

What plant foods give the body - a source of enzymes

The most important quality characteristics of healthy food are the following:

How many living cells are contained in what we eat;

How many enzymes are in food (otherwise called enzymes).

Enzymes direct and regulate metabolism, promote the absorption of food, and accelerate the absorption of nutrients into the blood. It is these substances that give the body the opportunity to replenish its energy resources as much as possible. Experts believe that enzymes are able to “digest” even cancer cells. Plant foods are especially rich in them; they are found in significant quantities in the seeds and sprouts of plants, forming the basis of their life. The sun, saturating plants with energy, activates the action of enzymes. Having absorbed vital energy, they begin to work and transform inorganic elements into organic ones, containing vital nutritional components. Today, thanks to scientific achievements, a person can identify them, study them and, balancing them, use them according to his needs.

It should be remembered that during chemical or high-temperature processing of food (namely, these technologies are actively used in the food industry), plant foods largely lose their richness - enzymes or enzymes. Being sensitive to high temperatures, enzymes at 49 °C become inert and incapable of action, and at 54 °C they die.

Interestingly, the enzymes are not afraid of the cold. These substances were found in significant quantities in the bodies of prehistoric animals found by archaeologists in permafrost. But they died in glacial cataclysms about 50 thousand years ago! As soon as the found mammoth carcass thawed to normal temperature, the enzymes immediately came to life, their activity intensified.

These facts eloquently indicate that enzymes can be exposed to very low temperatures for a long time, practically without losing their activity, as if in a preserved state. Being in plant seeds, they seem to be in a state of hibernation and, under favorable conditions, can retain their properties for hundreds and even thousands of years. This is their vitality and activity! From these facts one can judge how high the biological activity of these substances is.

So, enzymes are, to a large extent, “regulators” of metabolic processes, catalysts that actively operate inside a living organism. This makes it clear why, firstly, a reasonable choice of food is necessary and, secondly, why it should not be subjected to heat treatment, destroying the life in it.

What our body cannot fully live without

We look at ourselves in the mirror and see: here is the head, body, arms, legs... And we don’t think about the fact that we carry most of the elements of the periodic table: in addition to water, we have oxygen, calcium, sodium, chlorine, carbon, phosphorus, magnesium, fluorine, hydrogen, potassium, iron, silicon, nitrogen, sulfur, iodine, manganese. This is not everything, but only the most vital elements. Their full presence or deficiency largely determines the overall state of our health.

It is clear that our food, in order to maintain health and resist disease, must be rich in these organic elements. Where can I get them? All these substances necessary for the human body are found in fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.

One of the most important elements we need for active life is oxygen. Let us remember that during thermal processing of food it is almost completely lost, and after it most enzymes die - and food largely loses its ability to support our vitality. A person who eats only foods that have been heat-treated does not receive the most important components of nutrition, thanks to which he could be healthy, active, and strong. Yes, humanity has practically not consumed raw food for a long time. People have long learned to cook, stew, and fry, but are these skills that civilization brought so useful? Many scientists believe that the habit of consuming processed foods has not made us healthier. As a result of poor nutrition, our bodies contain many wastes and toxins. It is quite possible that this is not the least reason why hospitals are overcrowded, diabetes, oncology, and cardiovascular diseases are widespread; we suffer from early loss of vital activity and premature old age.

Nature has endowed the human body with an amazing reserve of strength. But a person who, in the course of his development, made colossal discoveries, mastered the most complex skills, alas, never learned to take care of his health and, including due to unreasonable, incorrect, unhealthy nutrition, is actively moving towards diseases and other problems that seriously poison him life.

By consuming foods that our body does not need, we cause ourselves great harm. And then our body begins to signal us about impending danger with the help of pain and spasms. If you do not listen to these signals and do not take the necessary actions, then you can get yourself into serious trouble - serious illnesses.

Of course, it takes some time from the body’s alarming reactions to serious and sometimes incurable diseases (the timing is individual for each person and depends on various reasons related to heredity, living conditions, etc.), but punishment for a frivolous attitude to nutrition is inevitable. Yes, our body, as already mentioned, has a certain reserve of strength, it is truly tolerant, but painful reactions inevitably occur - albeit after many days, months, and maybe years - in adulthood or old age, when a person’s capabilities fight against diseases are significantly reduced.

Conversations about proper nutrition, healthy and unhealthy eating habits have been going on for a long time and actively. There is probably not a single person in the civilized world for whom this would be a secret or a surprise. But we, alas, are slaves to our eating habits and preferences, slaves to modern cooking technologies - so fast and convenient at first glance - and so destructive in essence. But even not too deep knowledge about proper nutrition, plus desire and will, could help avoid premature and often painful destruction of the body.

About cooked and raw food

Modern man lives in a complex, changing, dynamic world. He is literally attacked by disturbing and sometimes tragic news coming from the media. He is susceptible to stress and adverse environmental influences. Intense mental and physical activity requires enormous strength and energy. He actually does not know how to rest, moves little, and is subject to many bad habits. And if, despite all this, a person constantly consumes processed “non-living” food, then this ultimately leads to a weakening of the body’s protective functions.

What kind of food is needed to nourish the body with much-needed strength - physical and mental? First of all, these are raw fresh fruits and vegetables, which best provide the body's cells with all the necessary elements that are quickly and easily absorbed. Food products that have undergone thermal and chemical processing, although capable of supporting human existence, are absolutely incapable of saturating the human body with substances that give real life force. On the contrary, consumption of “non-living” food leads to the degeneration of cells and tissues and, as a result, to diseases, loss of vital energy, and weakening of defenses. And there is no medicine that could saturate the blood with all the substances the body needs to restore and renew cells that have been “killed” for active life. What needs to be done so that the body does not starve, does not suffer from the lack of those substances that can create a barrier to old age and disease? It is necessary to actively use raw fruits and vegetables in food.

Raw plant foods are a common human staple. Almost each of us eats fresh vegetables with great pleasure, not to mention fruits.

Raw fruits and vegetables consist of liquid element and fiber. The liquid element contains the very microelements necessary for a healthy diet that ensure the active functioning of the body. Fiber is also of great value: it promotes satiety, activates intestinal motility, and acts as an adsorbent that absorbs and removes harmful substances from the body. However, when food is cooked, high temperatures destroy the vitality of fiber and negate its positive effects. Cooked fiber, passing through the intestines, very often leaves a significant layer of slag on its walls, which, accumulating, rots and causes poisoning. As a result, the colon becomes sluggish, various changes occur in it, and a person becomes prone to colitis, diverticulosis and other disorders.

So, it is clear that raw vegetable and fruit foods are much healthier than cooked vegetables and fruits. However, it is important to learn how to eat raw vegetables and fruits correctly. The most valuable components are located deep in the fiber, so they must be chewed properly.

However, there are many food stereotypes that modern people have firmly grasped and follow them strictly, with tenacity worthy of better use. For example, for some reason it is generally accepted that vegetables must be cooked - boiled, stewed, fried. Many people believe that raw vegetable food is hard on the stomach, can lead to indigestion, cause heaviness and other unpleasant sensations, and sometimes become a source of pathogenic microorganisms. We are literally taught from childhood to eat raw vegetables. And it can be very difficult to give up this long-term habit of consuming food only in boiled form. For some, raw vegetable food may not seem tasty enough, sometimes even gross; sometimes the body itself resists changing eating habits and stereotypes. Therefore, for those who decide to switch to eating natural products, a change in diet may cause some discomfort. In this case, it is useful to consult with a doctor, and most importantly, have patience: the body will gradually adapt to the new type of diet and respond to the changes with gratitude.

Of course, a person who begins to master something new must believe in the usefulness and significance of his efforts - then the strength will appear to overcome the initial difficulties and difficulties. If you change your eating habits and switch to a healthy, “living” diet, this is also true. And all the minor difficulties and troubles of the “transition period” will pay off with interest when the necessary and useful rules and eating habits are formed, and the old, often harmful and destructive ones, become a thing of the past.

This especially applies to people who do not care too much about their nutrition, preferring semi-finished and instant foods. They just feel a lack of those living elements and vitamins that the body can only obtain from natural products. Therefore, the issue is especially acute for them. They need, if not to change their eating habits and preferences overnight, then at least to take the path of enriching their daily diet with fresh vegetables and fruits. But this alone will not do. There is another important element of a healthy diet that should be richly and variedly represented in our diet - vegetable and fruit juices.

It is important to emphasize that consuming only raw food, without adding a sufficient amount of a variety of fresh juices, will not give such a pronounced healing effect that can be achieved if juices are widely represented in the diet.

So, those who have decided to switch to a healthy diet should remember: they should eat any freshly prepared juices every day.

Why juices?

Whatever your main diet consists of, fresh juices from raw vegetables are a much-needed addition to it. For those unfamiliar with the science behind fresh raw juices, the natural question to ask is, “Why not just eat your vegetables and fruits instead of extracting the juices and throwing out the fiber?”

The answer to this is quite simple: solid foods take longer to digest, and their absorption not only takes longer, but also requires much more energy expenditure. Fiber itself has virtually no nutritional value; its effect can be compared, perhaps, only with a broom, which prevents digested food from remaining in the body for a long time, increasing intestinal motility. This is why it is also necessary to consume raw fruits and vegetables along with juices. Juices are absorbed by the body very quickly, sometimes within a few minutes, and the digestive system expends a minimum of energy. Naturally, all this testifies in favor of juices, and not just fresh fruits and vegetables.

Let us repeat once again: fresh vegetables and fruits contain large quantities of enzymes, which are catalysts for digestion and other metabolic processes. Thus, a significant percentage of the atoms that constitute the nutrients in raw foods are used by the digestive organs as digestive stimulants. The digestion process, including raw vegetables and fruits, usually lasts 3-5 hours after eating. These nutrients are actively consumed during the digestion of food, and only a small percentage of them remain in the body for the restoration of cells and tissues.

When we drink the juices of raw vegetables, a completely different situation arises: the juices are digested and absorbed easily and quickly, within 10–15 minutes, and their energy resources are completely used to nourish and restore cells of tissues, glands and organs.

It is unlikely that these explanations will leave any doubt as to whether raw fruits and vegetables or their juice is preferable for the human body. The choice is obvious. By consuming juices, we ensure the fastest and most effective absorption of food, rich in vital energy, with minimal stress on the digestive organs.

Atoms and molecules of nutrients necessary for the body are located between the cells of fiber. Thanks to these substances - enzymes contained in juices, cells are quickly and maximally saturated with vital energy.

Juices obtained from fresh, raw vegetables and fruits are able to most effectively provide cells and tissues with all the necessary elements and enzymes that the body needs, and at the same time, juices present them in the most accessible form for absorption.

Fruit juices can cleanse the human body, but the fruits from which such healthy juices are prepared must be ripe. Fruit juices should not (with a few exceptions) be consumed with foods containing starch and sugar. The more varied a person’s fruit diet is, the better the body will be provided with all the necessary carbohydrates and sugars.

Vegetable juices are restorers and healers for the body. They contain all the amino acids, mineral salts, enzymes and vitamins necessary for humans, but only if they are prepared from fresh raw vegetables, without the use of any food additives, preservatives, or flavorings.

Everyone is well aware that the organs of the human body consist of microscopic cells that contain all the chemical elements necessary for the body. In the process of human life, cells are constantly formed and die. In order for cells to regenerate, a person needs living organic food containing large amounts of minerals and salts.

The most effective and affordable way to replenish the body with missing elements is the consumption of vegetable and fruit juices.

A diet consisting of foods devoid of vitality will certainly lead to a breakdown in the regenerative function of cells. If cells are not renewed, this leads to various diseases. In this case, in order to restore the impaired functions of the body, it must first be thoroughly cleansed and only after that begin to be intensively nourished with the help of raw vegetable juices.

If we want to find the causes of any disease, we do not have to search long. These are cans of canned food, flour and flour products, cereals, sugar, confectionery and soft drinks. It is in these products that the very substances containing dead atoms that modern civilization has created to nourish the human body are found. If you think about it, you can understand why they do not contain living elements. After all, no canned product is allowed to be sold until all traces of life in it have been destroyed, otherwise the food may rot.

Heat treatment also kills living cells. But neither bread nor processed cereals are eaten without heat treatment.

The way out of this situation is this. Even though we are afraid of consuming raw food due to environmental concerns, we still need to drink more fresh vegetable and fruit juices. Vegetable juices serve as a building material for the body, as they contain a relatively high percentage of protein elements, while fruit juices cleanse it of decay products and toxins and provide energy contained in carbohydrate compounds.

Interestingly, people who eat exclusively fresh plant foods with the addition of a sufficient amount of various juices do not develop cancer. Numerous observations show that even patients affected by this disease experienced significant relief when switching to a strict vegetarian diet with the addition of carrot juice.

By cleansing the body by washing the intestines and eating raw plant foods daily with a sufficient amount of a variety of fresh juices, a person can get rid of many diseases. Juices are undoubtedly the best nutrition for the human body, and their consumption helps improve health and prolong life.

This book by Dr. Walker was first published in 1936. She immediately gained popularity in many countries around the world. Today it can easily be considered a classic of alternative medicine, and Norman Walker himself can be considered one of the luminaries of this trend. Naturally, since the first publication of the book, a lot has changed in the world, in a person’s knowledge of himself, his health, methods of restoring and preserving it, but Dr. Walker’s advice does not lose its relevance; on the contrary, the effectiveness of his method is increasingly confirmed, attracting millions of new followers who want to take the path of a healthy lifestyle. We have taken the liberty of adding some clarification to Dr. Walker's text, taking into account the achievements of the last 70 years and the realities of our time.

Chapter 1
We are what we eat

Are you familiar with this paradoxical statement? It could be rephrased: we feel only as good as we eat right. Everyone knows that the human body consists of billions of living cells. And they need constant nutrition, lively and active. It depends only on us, on our nutrition, how comfortable our body is, whether it is healthy.

Everyone understands that the body must eat in order to replenish its biological resources. If we do not take food, it will lead to exhaustion and ultimately death. However, in order to live a full life, it is not enough to simply consume certain foods. Nutrition must be correct and reasonable, otherwise we will not only die before our due time, but at the same time we will also suffer from various diseases.

Here, however, it should be noted that not only proper nutrition maintains our health. Even if a person provides his body with many vital substances, he will not be healthy and strong if he does not pay close attention to his thoughts and soul.

We can eat the best and highest quality food, but it will not do any good if we are constantly haunted by fear, anger, anxiety, and envy. Negative emotions can destroy even a very strong and resilient organism. They say that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind. What should a person who is cheerful, energetic and self-confident worry about? Undoubtedly, such confidence can only be given to us by good health, which is a necessary condition for satisfying the needs of life. Both family joys and creative success depend on it. Therefore, the question of proper nutrition as the basis for maintaining health is, in fact, if you think about it, a question of human happiness.

The problem of proper nutrition is a complex and ambiguous problem. There are a huge number of theories of proper nutrition, and it would be more reasonable to talk not about any one “correct” system, but about following the principles of healthy eating.

With all the variety of proper nutrition systems, perhaps there is no one where it would not be recommended to actively eat vegetables and fruits.

We also consider them a vital component of a healthy diet and will talk here about the healing capabilities of vegetable and fruit juices.

What plant foods give the body - a source of enzymes

The most important quality characteristics of healthy food are the following:

How many living cells are contained in what we eat;

How many enzymes are in food (otherwise called enzymes).

Enzymes direct and regulate metabolism, promote the absorption of food, and accelerate the absorption of nutrients into the blood. It is these substances that give the body the opportunity to replenish its energy resources as much as possible. Experts believe that enzymes are able to “digest” even cancer cells. Plant foods are especially rich in them; they are found in significant quantities in the seeds and sprouts of plants, forming the basis of their life. The sun, saturating plants with energy, activates the action of enzymes. Having absorbed vital energy, they begin to work and transform inorganic elements into organic ones, containing vital nutritional components. Today, thanks to scientific achievements, a person can identify them, study them and, balancing them, use them according to his needs.

It should be remembered that during chemical or high-temperature processing of food (namely, these technologies are actively used in the food industry), plant foods largely lose their richness - enzymes or enzymes. Being sensitive to high temperatures, enzymes at 49 °C become inert and incapable of action, and at 54 °C they die.

Interestingly, the enzymes are not afraid of the cold. These substances were found in significant quantities in the bodies of prehistoric animals found by archaeologists in permafrost. But they died in glacial cataclysms about 50 thousand years ago! As soon as the found mammoth carcass thawed to normal temperature, the enzymes immediately came to life, their activity intensified.

These facts eloquently indicate that enzymes can be exposed to very low temperatures for a long time, practically without losing their activity, as if in a preserved state. Being in plant seeds, they seem to be in a state of hibernation and, under favorable conditions, can retain their properties for hundreds and even thousands of years. This is their vitality and activity! From these facts one can judge how high the biological activity of these substances is.

So, enzymes are, to a large extent, “regulators” of metabolic processes, catalysts that actively operate inside a living organism. This makes it clear why, firstly, a reasonable choice of food is necessary and, secondly, why it should not be subjected to heat treatment, destroying the life in it.

What our body cannot fully live without

We look at ourselves in the mirror and see: here is the head, body, arms, legs... And we don’t think about the fact that we carry most of the elements of the periodic table: in addition to water, we have oxygen, calcium, sodium, chlorine, carbon, phosphorus, magnesium, fluorine, hydrogen, potassium, iron, silicon, nitrogen, sulfur, iodine, manganese. This is not everything, but only the most vital elements. Their full presence or deficiency largely determines the overall state of our health.

It is clear that our food, in order to maintain health and resist disease, must be rich in these organic elements. Where can I get them? All these substances necessary for the human body are found in fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.

One of the most important elements we need for active life is oxygen. Let us remember that during thermal processing of food it is almost completely lost, and after it most enzymes die - and food largely loses its ability to support our vitality. A person who eats only foods that have been heat-treated does not receive the most important components of nutrition, thanks to which he could be healthy, active, and strong. Yes, humanity has practically not consumed raw food for a long time. People have long learned to cook, stew, and fry, but are these skills that civilization brought so useful? Many scientists believe that the habit of consuming processed foods has not made us healthier. As a result of poor nutrition, our bodies contain many wastes and toxins. It is quite possible that this is not the least reason why hospitals are overcrowded, diabetes, oncology, and cardiovascular diseases are widespread; we suffer from early loss of vital activity and premature old age.

Nature has endowed the human body with an amazing reserve of strength. But a person who, in the course of his development, made colossal discoveries, mastered the most complex skills, alas, never learned to take care of his health and, including due to unreasonable, incorrect, unhealthy nutrition, is actively moving towards diseases and other problems that seriously poison him life.

By consuming foods that our body does not need, we cause ourselves great harm. And then our body begins to signal us about impending danger with the help of pain and spasms. If you do not listen to these signals and do not take the necessary actions, then you can get yourself into serious trouble - serious illnesses.

Of course, it takes some time from the body’s alarming reactions to serious and sometimes incurable diseases (the timing is individual for each person and depends on various reasons related to heredity, living conditions, etc.), but punishment for a frivolous attitude to nutrition is inevitable. Yes, our body, as already mentioned, has a certain reserve of strength, it is truly tolerant, but painful reactions inevitably occur - albeit after many days, months, and maybe years - in adulthood or old age, when a person’s capabilities fight against diseases are significantly reduced.

Conversations about proper nutrition, healthy and unhealthy eating habits have been going on for a long time and actively. There is probably not a single person in the civilized world for whom this would be a secret or a surprise. But we, alas, are slaves to our eating habits and preferences, slaves to modern cooking technologies - so fast and convenient at first glance - and so destructive in essence. But even not too deep knowledge about proper nutrition, plus desire and will, could help avoid premature and often painful destruction of the body.

About cooked and raw food

Modern man lives in a complex, changing, dynamic world. He is literally attacked by disturbing and sometimes tragic news coming from the media. He is susceptible to stress and adverse environmental influences. Intense mental and physical activity requires enormous strength and energy. He actually does not know how to rest, moves little, and is subject to many bad habits. And if, despite all this, a person constantly consumes processed “non-living” food, then this ultimately leads to a weakening of the body’s protective functions.

What kind of food is needed to nourish the body with much-needed strength - physical and mental? First of all, these are raw fresh fruits and vegetables, which best provide the body's cells with all the necessary elements that are quickly and easily absorbed. Food products that have undergone thermal and chemical processing, although capable of supporting human existence, are absolutely incapable of saturating the human body with substances that give real life force. On the contrary, consumption of “non-living” food leads to the degeneration of cells and tissues and, as a result, to diseases, loss of vital energy, and weakening of defenses. And there is no medicine that could saturate the blood with all the substances the body needs to restore and renew cells that have been “killed” for active life. What needs to be done so that the body does not starve, does not suffer from the lack of those substances that can create a barrier to old age and disease? It is necessary to actively use raw fruits and vegetables in food.

Raw plant foods are a common human staple. Almost each of us eats fresh vegetables with great pleasure, not to mention fruits.

Raw fruits and vegetables consist of liquid element and fiber. The liquid element contains the very microelements necessary for a healthy diet that ensure the active functioning of the body. Fiber is also of great value: it promotes satiety, activates intestinal motility, and acts as an adsorbent that absorbs and removes harmful substances from the body. However, when food is cooked, high temperatures destroy the vitality of fiber and negate its positive effects. Cooked fiber, passing through the intestines, very often leaves a significant layer of slag on its walls, which, accumulating, rots and causes poisoning. As a result, the colon becomes sluggish, various changes occur in it, and a person becomes prone to colitis, diverticulosis and other disorders.

So, it is clear that raw vegetable and fruit foods are much healthier than cooked vegetables and fruits. However, it is important to learn how to eat raw vegetables and fruits correctly. The most valuable components are located deep in the fiber, so they must be chewed properly.

However, there are many food stereotypes that modern people have firmly grasped and follow them strictly, with tenacity worthy of better use. For example, for some reason it is generally accepted that vegetables must be cooked - boiled, stewed, fried. Many people believe that raw vegetable food is hard on the stomach, can lead to indigestion, cause heaviness and other unpleasant sensations, and sometimes become a source of pathogenic microorganisms. We are literally taught from childhood to eat raw vegetables. And it can be very difficult to give up this long-term habit of consuming food only in boiled form. For some, raw vegetable food may not seem tasty enough, sometimes even gross; sometimes the body itself resists changing eating habits and stereotypes. Therefore, for those who decide to switch to eating natural products, a change in diet may cause some discomfort. In this case, it is useful to consult with a doctor, and most importantly, have patience: the body will gradually adapt to the new type of diet and respond to the changes with gratitude.

Of course, a person who begins to master something new must believe in the usefulness and significance of his efforts - then the strength will appear to overcome the initial difficulties and difficulties. If you change your eating habits and switch to a healthy, “living” diet, this is also true. And all the minor difficulties and troubles of the “transition period” will pay off with interest when the necessary and useful rules and eating habits are formed, and the old, often harmful and destructive ones, become a thing of the past.

This especially applies to people who do not care too much about their nutrition, preferring semi-finished and instant foods. They just feel a lack of those living elements and vitamins that the body can only obtain from natural products. Therefore, the issue is especially acute for them. They need, if not to change their eating habits and preferences overnight, then at least to take the path of enriching their daily diet with fresh vegetables and fruits. But this alone will not do. There is another important element of a healthy diet that should be richly and variedly represented in our diet - vegetable and fruit juices.

It is important to emphasize that consuming only raw food, without adding a sufficient amount of a variety of fresh juices, will not give such a pronounced healing effect that can be achieved if juices are widely represented in the diet.

So, those who have decided to switch to a healthy diet should remember: they should eat any freshly prepared juices every day.

Why juices?

Whatever your main diet consists of, fresh juices from raw vegetables are a much-needed addition to it. For those unfamiliar with the science behind fresh raw juices, the natural question to ask is, “Why not just eat your vegetables and fruits instead of extracting the juices and throwing out the fiber?”

The answer to this is quite simple: solid foods take longer to digest, and their absorption not only takes longer, but also requires much more energy expenditure. Fiber itself has virtually no nutritional value; its effect can be compared, perhaps, only with a broom, which prevents digested food from remaining in the body for a long time, increasing intestinal motility. This is why it is also necessary to consume raw fruits and vegetables along with juices. Juices are absorbed by the body very quickly, sometimes within a few minutes, and the digestive system expends a minimum of energy. Naturally, all this testifies in favor of juices, and not just fresh fruits and vegetables.

Let us repeat once again: fresh vegetables and fruits contain large quantities of enzymes, which are catalysts for digestion and other metabolic processes. Thus, a significant percentage of the atoms that constitute the nutrients in raw foods are used by the digestive organs as digestive stimulants. The digestion process, including raw vegetables and fruits, usually lasts 3-5 hours after eating. These nutrients are actively consumed during the digestion of food, and only a small percentage of them remain in the body for the restoration of cells and tissues.

When we drink the juices of raw vegetables, a completely different situation arises: the juices are digested and absorbed easily and quickly, within 10–15 minutes, and their energy resources are completely used to nourish and restore cells of tissues, glands and organs.

It is unlikely that these explanations will leave any doubt as to whether raw fruits and vegetables or their juice is preferable for the human body. The choice is obvious. By consuming juices, we ensure the fastest and most effective absorption of food, rich in vital energy, with minimal stress on the digestive organs.

Atoms and molecules of nutrients necessary for the body are located between the cells of fiber. Thanks to these substances - enzymes contained in juices, cells are quickly and maximally saturated with vital energy.

Juices obtained from fresh, raw vegetables and fruits are able to most effectively provide cells and tissues with all the necessary elements and enzymes that the body needs, and at the same time, juices present them in the most accessible form for absorption.

Fruit juices can cleanse the human body, but the fruits from which such healthy juices are prepared must be ripe. Fruit juices should not (with a few exceptions) be consumed with foods containing starch and sugar. The more varied a person’s fruit diet is, the better the body will be provided with all the necessary carbohydrates and sugars.

Vegetable juices are restorers and healers for the body. They contain all the amino acids, mineral salts, enzymes and vitamins necessary for humans, but only if they are prepared from fresh raw vegetables, without the use of any food additives, preservatives, or flavorings.

Everyone is well aware that the organs of the human body consist of microscopic cells that contain all the chemical elements necessary for the body. In the process of human life, cells are constantly formed and die. In order for cells to regenerate, a person needs living organic food containing large amounts of minerals and salts.

The most effective and affordable way to replenish the body with missing elements is the consumption of vegetable and fruit juices.

A diet consisting of foods devoid of vitality will certainly lead to a breakdown in the regenerative function of cells. If cells are not renewed, this leads to various diseases. In this case, in order to restore the impaired functions of the body, it must first be thoroughly cleansed and only after that begin to be intensively nourished with the help of raw vegetable juices.

If we want to find the causes of any disease, we do not have to search long. These are cans of canned food, flour and flour products, cereals, sugar, confectionery and soft drinks. It is in these products that the very substances containing dead atoms that modern civilization has created to nourish the human body are found. If you think about it, you can understand why they do not contain living elements. After all, no canned product is allowed to be sold until all traces of life in it have been destroyed, otherwise the food may rot.

Heat treatment also kills living cells. But neither bread nor processed cereals are eaten without heat treatment.

The way out of this situation is this. Even though we are afraid of consuming raw food due to environmental concerns, we still need to drink more fresh vegetable and fruit juices. Vegetable juices serve as a building material for the body, as they contain a relatively high percentage of protein elements, while fruit juices cleanse it of decay products and toxins and provide energy contained in carbohydrate compounds.

Interestingly, people who eat exclusively fresh plant foods with the addition of a sufficient amount of various juices do not develop cancer. Numerous observations show that even patients affected by this disease experienced significant relief when switching to a strict vegetarian diet with the addition of carrot juice.

By cleansing the body by washing the intestines and eating raw plant foods daily with a sufficient amount of a variety of fresh juices, a person can get rid of many diseases. Juices are undoubtedly the best nutrition for the human body, and their consumption helps improve health and prolong life.


Alfalfa is the most valuable legume plant. It is rich in all the most important minerals and chemical elements necessary for the body and, in addition, contains many rare substances that alfalfa extracts from the depths of the soil thanks to its developed root system.

Alfalfa (in the proportions required by humans) contains substances such as calcium, manganese, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, potassium and silicon. All these elements are necessary for the proper functioning of various organs of the human body. Until now, alfalfa has not been appreciated and is often used only as a fodder plant, but for humans it is of great value as a raw material for obtaining fresh juice from it.

If it is not possible to purchase fresh alfalfa, then it is recommended to eat (especially in winter) slightly sprouted seeds, which are also very healthy.

As I already said, nature has endowed plants with the amazing ability to transform and revitalize inorganic substances, turning them into living cells and tissues. In addition, all plants, before starting the process of revitalization, absorb inorganic elements from the air, water, soil, accumulate them in themselves, and only then synthesize them into organic ones; Plants obtain nitrogen and carbon from the air, oxygen and hydrogen from water, and nitrogen, minerals and salts from the soil.

The sun's rays also help in this transformation, thanks to which a special green pigment is produced in the leaves of plants - chlorophyll.

At the center of the chlorophyll molecule is a magnesium atom, surrounded by carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen atoms. Interestingly, human red blood cells have the same structure, only in the center instead of magnesium there is an iron atom. Scientists do not yet know what explains this amazing similarity, but they suggest that this is why chlorophyll is so beneficial for the human body. At the very least, it has been proven that vegetarians who prefer raw fruits and vegetables, fresh juices, including green plant juices, have significantly better health and have a longer life expectancy compared to those who eat cooked food. The explanation for this is that during heat treatment, many valuable plant substances, including chlorophyll, are destroyed.

Alfalfa is a plant uniquely rich in chlorophyll. Do you want to maintain health, strength and energy until old age? Do you want to acquire lasting immunity that will protect you from any infection? Drink alfalfa juice.

It is best to drink fresh alfalfa juice along with carrot juice. This is the most effective combination that will enhance the beneficial effects of each of these juices. This combination is especially useful for those who suffer cardiovascular diseases And atherosclerosis.

Eating foods rich in chlorophyll, including alfalfa juice, helps restore impaired functions of the respiratory system. Mucus that clogs our airways and accumulates in the sinuses leads to the development of diseases such as chronic tracheitis And bronchitis, bronchial asthma, sinusitis And hay fever. But chlorophyll I helps us cope with all these diseases. Those who adhere to a strict vegetarian diet, which excludes dairy products, flour products and foods high in sugar, practically do not suffer from respiratory tract diseases. This is especially true for people who have led this lifestyle since childhood. These are experimentally proven facts that leave no room for doubt.

But don’t be upset if you haven’t been a vegetarian since childhood. Even in old age, you can get rid of these ailments if you make plant foods and live juices the basis of your diet. And you don't have to resort to surgery or swallow pills.

The mucus that forms in our respiratory tract is the result of the body's defenses. This is how our body reacts to the danger of contracting a viral infection. Unfortunately, the mucus itself is also very harmful, so it must be removed. But instead of doing this naturally, we try to dry out the mucus using antibiotics and other chemicals that will do far more harm than good. This is recognized even by doctors who call such drugs virulent (poisonous, dangerous). True, their destructive effect will appear much later, although the runny nose will go away the next day. Are you willing to pay this price?

Remember: the toxins formed as a result of infection by pathogenic microbes and the drugs that we use against them are equally dangerous. They cause the greatest harm to the body.

The human body has a unique system for removing toxins from the body, and if its work is disrupted, it is only because we do not take good care of it.

It is necessary to protect the lungs from polluted air and tobacco smoke so that they ensure normal gas exchange. It is necessary to properly care for the skin so that toxins and decay products brought by lymph are removed through the pores. You need to take care of your kidneys without damaging them with alcohol and foods containing uric acid. Finally, you need to cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins that have accumulated there over many years. And then the body’s cleansing system will work at full strength.

But that's only half the story. You should not only get rid of what is harmful and unnecessary, but also nourish the body with the substances necessary for its normal functioning. We must provide all the cells and tissues of our body with living organic food. But heat treatment and modern methods of cleaning and processing products destroy healing living energy. We should stop eating such products. You can learn how to prepare live food from my book “Nutrition and Salads.” Thousands of people, having read the book and taken my advice, sent responses with words of appreciation and gratitude.

A mixture of alfalfa, carrot and lettuce juices will provide all the nutrients necessary for normal hair growth and strengthening of hair roots. If you drink half a liter of this juice mixture daily, you will not only strengthen your hair, but also ensure its rapid growth.


Asparagus contains a fairly large amount of a very important alkaloid for our body called asparagine It consists of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. Alkaloids are vital for plants because they are substances that ensure growth. Alkaloids are no less important for humans.

When asparagus is cooked or canned, asparagine is destroyed. Hydrogen and oxygen are dissipated, and the natural salts that are formed as a result of the combination of this alkaloid with other elements are destroyed.

Asparagus juice is used as an effective diuretic, but it is recommended to drink it only with carrot juice, as its effect on the kidneys is too strong.

Asparagus juice is indicated for kidney diseases, and also at pathology of the glands. As an additional component of juice mixtures, asparagus juice is used for anemia And diabetes. In this case, it is mixed with juices that are specifically recommended for the treatment of these diseases. More information about this is written in the “Diseases and Recipes” section.

Another beneficial property of asparagus juice is to help break down oxalic acid in the kidneys and muscles of our body. This makes it indispensable in treatment rheumatism, neuritis and other diseases caused by excess urea. The fact is that excessive consumption of meat and flour products leads to the fact that the body cannot absorb the so-called complete proteins obtained from these products. The kidneys and other excretory organs also fail to cope with their work due to overload. As a result, uric acid is not excreted from the body, but accumulates in the muscles, which causes rheumatism. Drinking asparagus juice will help get rid of this unpleasant disease.

Another disease for which asparagus juice may be especially beneficial is: inflammation of the prostate gland. In this case, it is consumed together with carrot, beet and cucumber juices. Practice confirms that asparagus juice is a truly effective treatment for this disease.


Beetroot juice increases hemoglobin and generally improves blood composition - this is its main healing property.

It is especially useful for women - they need to drink at least half a liter of carrot-beet juice mixture per day. Drinking pure beet juice at first is undesirable, as it has too strong a cleansing effect. You may feel slightly dizzy or slightly nauseous when taking it. If you use it in a mixture with other juices (most often with carrot juice, which will form the basis of the juice mixture), then unwanted symptoms can be avoided. Gradually, as you get used to it, the amount of beet juice in the mixture needs to be increased. The daily consumption rate of beet juice is 1-1.5 glasses 2 times a day.

Beetroot juice is recommended for women during menstruation; it should be taken half a glass 2-3 times a day. You can also drink it during menopause. Sometimes it has a more lasting effect than medications and can even serve as a substitute for hormone therapy. At the very least, you are guaranteed against disorders associated with the body's attempts to remove harmful inorganic substances that form the basis of medications and synthetic hormones.

There are a sufficient number of natural ways to maintain health, energy and vitality that do not contradict nature. And man has a mind capable of comprehending these natural laws. However, we sometimes tend to look for easier ways to achieve goals that take us further away from nature. Only we forget that the results may not appear immediately and may not be as rosy as we thought at first. Therefore, it is very important to understand what we gain and what we lose by using such benefits of civilization as processed food and chemical medicines.

Beets do not contain much iron, but despite this, they help increase the number of red blood cells, which is extremely important for maintaining blood function. The ratio of sodium (50%) and calcium (5%) in beets is also optimal. This is the ratio that is needed to help dissolve excess calcium that accumulates in the blood vessels as a result of consuming cooked food. All this makes beet juice especially useful for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis And disorders of the blood coagulation system, hypertension And other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Other useful substances contained in beets include potassium (20%), necessary for all physiological functions of the body, and chlorine (8%), which is an excellent means of cleansing the liver, kidneys and gall bladder, and also stimulates the activity of the lymphatic system.

Carrot-beet juice mixture also provides the body with a sufficient amount of phosphorus and sulfur. Vitamin A, which is quite abundant in this mixture, is the best natural stimulator of red blood cell growth and generally improves blood composition.

A mixture of carrot, beet and coconut juices is used as an effective means of cleansing the kidneys and gallbladder. If prepared correctly, it will contain a large amount of alkaline elements: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, a lot of iron, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon and chlorine, and in optimal proportions.

Carrot-beetroot-cucumber mixture is an excellent remedy for removing sand and stones from the gallbladder and kidneys.

Stones and sand that form in the gallbladder and kidneys are evidence that the body cannot remove the inorganic calcium accumulated in it.

When we talk about the amount of calcium in the body, we need to keep the following in mind. Living organic calcium is essential for the entire body. It is calcium of organic origin that can dissolve in water and, therefore, can be absorbed by the body. However, organic calcium is found only in raw, fresh fruits, vegetables and their juices.

But calcium, which is contained in concentrated starches and sugars, turns into inorganic as a result of heat treatment and loses its ability to dissolve in water. It can no longer be absorbed and therefore must be eliminated through the flow of blood and lymph. Inorganic calcium often accumulates at the “dead” ends of blood vessels. If they are located in the abdominal cavity, this leads to the formation of tumors. Damage to the vessels of the anus leads to the formation of hemorrhoids. Another “weak spot” is the bile duct and gallbladder.

All the food we eat is processed in the digestive tract, and the resulting nutrients enter the bloodstream. They are transported in the blood to the liver for further processing. But if grain or flour products have undergone heat treatment, they cannot be completely utilized; some of the substances can be absorbed by the body, some cannot. They are unsuitable for feeding cells and tissues; they no longer contain living force.

These include starch molecules, which cannot dissolve in water. But regardless of whether these substances are beneficial or harmful, they enter the blood and must pass through the liver. This is how excess calcium accumulates in the liver, from which stones and sand then form.

Remember! Constant consumption of heat-treated cereals and flour products leads to the formation of stones and sand due to the accumulation of inorganic calcium in the body.

We are offered to remove these formations surgically. In most cases (except in life-threatening emergencies) this is not necessary. There are natural methods of treatment, using which you can achieve excellent results.

To get rid of sand and stones in the gall bladder, you need to take lemon juice squeezed into half a glass of hot water 2-3 times a day, and also 3-4 times a day half a glass of carrot-beetroot-cucumber juice mixture. IN Depending on the number and size of the stones, treatment will take from several days to several weeks.

Here is one example.

A 40-year-old man consulted doctors with complaints of acute pain. It turned out that he had been experiencing more or less severe pain for 20 years. After conducting an examination, doctors discovered stones in the gall bladder, which were clearly visible on x-rays. Doctors considered surgery to be the only possible treatment. However, fear of the operation forced the man to look for alternative treatments. Having learned about the possibilities of juice therapy and having read one of the early editions of this book, he turned to me for help. I told him how to proceed, but warned that intensive juice treatment could cause even more pain than what he had previously experienced. True, these pains will not be so long; they can last from several minutes to 1 hour. When the excess calcium dissolves, the pain will go away.

My patient was determined. He drank 10-12 glasses of hot water with the juice of 1 lemon a day and about one and a half liters of carrot-beetroot-cucumber mixture. Already on the second day, he began having painful attacks that lasted 10-15 minutes. By the end of the week, a crisis set in. The pain was so severe that the man rolled on the floor. And suddenly everything stopped. Soon the stones came out. For my patient, this was a second birth. He felt 20 years younger. The next day, he and I went by car from New York to Washington and then to Canada. He never tired of being amazed at the simplicity of treatment and the miraculous power of nature.

And this is just one case out of thousands of similar ones. All over the world, people who have experienced the beneficial effects of juice therapy, cured diseases that tormented them for years, gratefully accept this gift of nature - living juices.

A mixture of carrot, beet and cucumber juices is an excellent cleanser for the gallbladder, liver, kidneys, as well as the prostate and other sex glands.

Kidney diseases are associated with excess amounts of uric acid, which does not have time to be eliminated from the body. As I wrote above, this is a consequence of excessive consumption of meat products. But the carrot-beet-cucumber mixture can help us in this case too.

When carrying out cleansing procedures using juice therapy, it is also necessary to normalize the diet, abstaining from the consumption of concentrated sugars, starch and meat, in order to allow the body to return to a normal state. Typically, combining juice therapy with a proper diet will quickly produce the desired results, improving your health. However, we all know that after health has been restored, it is very easy for it to deteriorate again. To do this, it is enough to return to the usual diet based on the consumption of non-living food. But long-term, sustainable results can only be achieved when a correct and healthy lifestyle becomes the norm. It is very encouraging that more and more people in the world are coming to understand this simple truth.


A mixture of Brussels sprouts juice with carrot juice, lettuce juice and green beans has a composition that helps normalize the functions of the pancreas.

It has been established that these juices are extremely beneficial for diabetes.

The healing effect is achieved only if all concentrated starches and sugars are excluded from the diet, and the intestines are regularly cleansed of accumulated toxins using enemas.


Cabbage juice is known in folk medicine primarily for the fact that with its help it was possible to treat surprisingly quickly duodenal ulcer. The only inconvenience with this treatment is the formation of gases, which is explained by a chemical reaction associated with the intensive decomposition of rotting products accumulated in the intestines. In such cases, cleansing enemas are recommended, which will help remove both gases and toxins.

Cabbage juice is an excellent cleanser. It will also help you lose excess weight. The cleansing function of cabbage juice is achieved due to the content of sulfur and chlorine, the combination of which helps cleanse the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. In addition, cabbage juice contains a fairly high percentage of iodine.

If, after drinking cabbage juice, a large amount of gas is formed or discomfort is felt, then most likely your intestines are clogged with toxins. In such cases, before you start drinking cabbage juice, you should cleanse your intestines so as not to injure it. To do this, it is recommended to consume either carrot juice or its mixture with spinach juice daily for two or three weeks and do a cleansing enema. When the intestines absorb cabbage juice well, the latter acts as an ideal cleanser, especially in cases of excessive obesity.

A mixture of carrot and cabbage juices is an excellent source of vitamin C. This mixture will not only cleanse the body, but will also help cope with gum diseases, in particular periodontal disease. But as soon as you cook or preserve cabbage, this powerful effect of enzymes and minerals will disappear. Then even 50 kg of cabbage in terms of the amount of nutrients it contains

substances will not be able to compete with just 300 g of raw, freshly squeezed cabbage juice, especially if it is prepared according to all the rules. Cabbage juice is very effective in treating tumors. In addition, it is an excellent treatment constipation And since constipation is the main cause of various skin problems, such as rashes, cabbage juice is also used for these purposes. If you want to have normal digestion and clear skin, drink cabbage juice. Some people believe that adding salt to cabbage juice significantly improves its taste. Maybe. But only from this the healing properties of the juice are catastrophically lost. Adding salt to cabbage or its juice not only destroys its healing properties, but also harms the body.


A person can consume from 0.5 to 3-4 liters of raw carrot juice per day, depending on his condition. This juice helps the body normalize all its functions. Carrot juice is the richest source of vitamin A, which is perfectly digestible. It also contains large amounts of vitamins B, C and D . Carrot juice improves appetite and digestion, and also has a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth.

A woman who is breastfeeding should drink it in large quantities daily. Sometimes it happens that breast milk lacks vital nutrients. Carrot juice helps improve the quality of milk by normalizing its composition. Consuming raw carrot juice in the last months of pregnancy reduces the likelihood of sepsis during childbirth. Daily consumption of just half a liter of this juice brings great benefits to the expectant mother's body.

Raw carrot juice can heal ulcers and even eliminate cancerous tumors. It improves immunity and stimulates the adrenal glands, helps improve vision and cure eye diseases such as ophthalmia and conjunctivitis. It normalizes the functioning of the respiratory organs and helps get rid of diseases of the facial sinuses of the skull. Carrot juice strengthens the nervous system. This is a unique source of energy and strength.

Some liver and intestinal diseases are associated with the lack of elements that we find in raw carrot juice. It can be drunk to cleanse the liver; it also helps dissolve substances that clog the bile ducts. As a result of the action of carrot juice, a powerful cleansing effect is achieved that is difficult to achieve in other ways. Sometimes, as a result of cleansing, the skin becomes sharply pale. This happens because the waste excreted from the body contains an orange or yellow pigment, which gives the skin a yellowish tint. When this waste is removed, the skin turns pale. This paleness indicates that the liver is undergoing a cleansing process, and it subsequently goes away. But, of course, pale skin color can also be a consequence of other reasons, for example, lack of sleep, overwork or chronic fatigue.

The endocrine glands, especially the adrenal glands and gonads, require the nutrients contained in raw carrot juice. Sometimes it even helps to cure infertility. It may be hard to believe, but sometimes the cause of infertility is prolonged consumption of boiled or pasteurized food.

Carrot juice improves skin condition, helps cope with dermatitis and other skin diseases, which are also caused by a lack of certain nutrients found in carrot juice.

Properly prepared juice from fresh, good quality carrots is a product rich in living organic alkaline elements such as sodium and potassium. In addition, it contains a lot of calcium, magnesium and iron. All these elements combine perfectly with organic phosphorus, sulfur, silicon and chlorine, providing a beneficial effect on the human body.

When carrot juice was discovered to help heal ulcers and cancer, it was called a miracle. XX century. However, to achieve a healing effect, the juice must be properly prepared. In addition, while consuming carrot juice, any food containing concentrated sugar, starch and any kind of flour should be completely excluded.

It has been established that one of the reasons for the appearance of ulcers and cancerous tumors is stress, to which children are especially sensitive. Prolonged nervous tension in childhood can manifest itself many years later as these terrible diseases. Therefore, cancer prevention should begin with taking care of the normal psychological climate in the family. Treatment is impossible without eliminating the causes that cause a nervous breakdown, otherwise no methods, even the most effective ones, will help.

Sometimes the intensive cleansing of the body after drinking large amounts of carrot juice causes some anxiety. However, this process is completely natural. He says that the body has begun to free itself from toxins and waste accumulated in it.

Carrot juice is the optimal form of organic water. It contains such nutritional elements that the cells and tissues of the body need especially urgently.

A mixture of carrot and spinach juices helps restore colon function. This is extremely important not only for digestion processes, but also for the general condition of the body. Few people know that poor colon condition can cause constant fatigue, anxiety, and nervous tension. My research has shown that the colon cannot function properly as long as the diet is based on cooked and processed foods. It is almost impossible to find a person whose colon is perfectly healthy. So what to do? Start with cleansing the intestines. The first step if you feel unwell is to carry out a series of enemas and rinses. Only after this fresh raw vegetable juices can effectively influence the process of restoring vital functions of the body. So, after cleansing the intestines, use carrot-spinach juice to finally improve your intestinal function. You will find the recipes at the end of the book.

It should be remembered that the quality of the juice depends on the method of its preparation. High quality juice contains more nutrients, so it can be consumed in smaller quantities. So, if the juice is obtained using a juicer operating on the principle of a centrifuge, then the need for it is higher, and if using a grinder or hydraulic press, then the need is lower.

Juices are undoubtedly the best nutrition for the human body, and their consumption helps improve health and prolong life.

Carrot juice is an excellent remedy for normalizing vision. I remember one case. Once I had the opportunity to meet with a group of young people who were not accepted into a flight school because of poor eyesight. I advised them to drink carrot juice. After several weeks of drinking large quantities of fresh carrot juice, they were re-examined and all were found fit.

As mentioned above, carrot juice is extremely effective in treating various ulcers and cancer. Ordinary people who have nothing to do with medicine are frightened by even the thought of these terrible diseases, believing that it is impossible to protect themselves from them. In reality, understanding the reasons for their occurrence and development is very simple. Man stopped eating live food, replacing it with surrogates that were more tasty and easier to prepare, and thereby deprived his body of many substances necessary for its normal functioning. Lacking living substances, the body's half-starved cells lose their ability to function properly. Weakened tissue cells begin to collapse or degenerate, resulting in ulcers or cancerous tumors.

It is not surprising that these diseases are so common in our society, since the cells of our body are constantly starved as a result of consuming processed, non-living food. However, they can return to a healthier state if carrot juice is used as a staple food and supplemented with carefully selected and prepared raw plant foods.

Of course, it would be imprudent to say that ulcers and cancer are the result of poor diet alone. It was already noted above that these diseases, like many others, can be the result of constant stress caused by envy, fear, hatred, anxiety, etc. However, one should not neglect the fact that poor nutrition can certainly also contribute to their development .

My research also shows that the cause of cancer is primarily food that lacks living elements. Improper nutrition leads to contamination of the body with toxins. This means that the prevention and treatment of cancer should be aimed at cleansing the body of toxins, so that the toxic substances accumulated in it do not interfere with the creative forces of nature. In addition, our tissues and organs should be abundantly supplied with living elements for cell restoration. First, this will help stop further destruction of the body, increase resistance, and then restore the cells’ ability to regenerate.

If we want to find the causes of any disease, we do not have to search long. These are cans of canned food, flour and flour products, cereals, sugar, confectionery and soft drinks. It is in these products that the very substances containing dead atoms that modern civilization has created to nourish the human body are found. If you think carefully, you will understand why they do not contain living elements. After all, no canned product is allowed to be sold until all traces of life in it have been destroyed, otherwise the food may rot.

Heat treatment also kills living cells. But neither bread nor processed cereals are eaten without undergoing heat treatment.

Where is the way out? I think he's clear. Even though we are afraid of consuming raw food due to environmental concerns, we should still drink more fresh vegetable and fruit juices. Vegetable juices serve as a building material for the body, as they contain a relatively high percentage of protein elements, while fruit juices cleanse it of decay products and toxins and provide energy contained in carbohydrate compounds.

You will be interested to know that people who eat exclusively fresh plant foods with the addition of a sufficient amount of various juices do not develop cancer. Numerous observations show that even patients affected by this disease experienced significant relief when switching to a strict vegetarian diet with the addition of carrot juice.

My life experience, my research, led me to the idea that by cleansing the body by lavaging the intestines and eating raw plant foods daily with a sufficient amount of a variety of fresh juices, we can get rid of all diseases.


The most valuable property of raw celery is its exceptionally high percentage of biologically active organic sodium, which is necessary to maintain calcium in a dissolved state.

Raw celery contains four times more organic sodium than calcium. This fact makes the juice obtained from it one of the most useful for people who constantly consume concentrated sugars and starches. These include bread, cookies, pastries, pasta, rice, cereals, potatoes, etc. Any industrially processed sugar, as well as foods containing it, including candy, soft drinks, ice cream and T etc., are concentrated carbohydrates. All these products are destructive to the body, and their prolonged use leads to a huge number of diseases.

Calcium is an essential element in our diet. However, it must be biologically active, that is, organic. When cleaned or cooked, calcium is converted into an inorganic substance that is insoluble in water. In this case, it loses its nutritional value because it can no longer serve as food for cells that need it for their restoration. In addition, at a temperature of 54 ° C, enzymes are destroyed, as a result, the food product turns into a dead substance.

Such food has a detrimental effect on the body, causing diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, coronary heart disease, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, gallstones And kidneys, etc.

Accumulations of inorganic calcium deposits increase over time, and if nothing is done, they become more and more numerous. However, with the help of biologically active organic sodium and with the assistance of other elements, these deposits can be removed from the body.

Sodium is of great importance for the occurrence of various physiological processes in our cells and tissues. For example, it prevents blood from thickening too much, normalizing its clotting. But only organic sodium obtained from fresh vegetables and fruits is valuable to us. Other facts speak in his favor. It normalizes body temperature and improves overall well-being. For example, dry hot weather is easier to bear if you drink a glass of fresh celery juice in the morning and the same amount in the afternoon, between meals.

Sodium is one of the elements due to which carbon dioxide is removed from the body. A lack of organic sodium causes diseases of the respiratory system, which are aggravated by the action of various foreign substances, such as tobacco smoke. Lack of organic sodium is the most important reason causing premature old age, especially in women. If one of them also smokes. According to some reports, 5 years of smoking takes 15 years of life.

Smokers usually say that a cigarette calms them down. This is a deep misconception. On the contrary, nicotine is largely responsible for frayed nerves. Smoking not only does not help alleviate this condition, but also aggravates it. And “calming” is only the result of suggestion. However, some calm may be due to the fact that tension is relieved due to tissue degeneration. Tobacco smoke also suppresses the functions of the taste glands.

Destruction of the nerve fiber sheath can lead to severe nervous disorders. In this case, drinking carrot and celery juices is very helpful, as a result of which the nerve fibers are restored.

A mixture of celery juice with other juices gives amazing results when vitamin deficiency. Consuming juice mixtures with celery brought significant relief to patients of all ages.

Celery is rich in magnesium and iron, which are essential for nourishing blood cells. Many diseases of the circulatory system are a consequence of the fact that inorganic mineral elements and salts are introduced into the body, which cannot be absorbed and therefore only pollute the body. I will not tire of repeating that in order to preserve and maintain health, it is necessary to ensure that the chemical composition of the foods consumed is balanced.

Thus, if the food lacks sulfur, iron and calcium, or if they are supplied in sufficient quantities, but with dead food devoid of vitality, diseases such as asthma, rheumatism, hemorrhoids. An incorrect ratio of sulfur and phosphorus can cause state of irritability, neurasthenia and even more serious nervous disorders. Many diseases that have hitherto been attributed to the presence of excessive amounts of uric acid in the body can arise from eating foods that are too rich in phosphoric acid but low in sulfur.

A mixture of carrot and celery juice provides the perfect combination of all these organic substances and serves to prevent the said diseases.


Cucumbers are an excellent diuretic, however, they also have many other valuable properties. Due to its high content of silicon and sulfur, cucumber juice, especially in combination with carrot, spinach and salad juices, prevents hair loss and leads to intensive growth. It also strengthens your nails, preventing them from splitting.

Cucumbers contain more than 40% potassium, 10% sodium, 7.5% calcium, 20% phosphorus, 7% chlorine.

A mixture of cucumber and carrot juices is useful for rheumatic pains, which are a consequence of the accumulation of uric acid in the body. If you add a little beetroot juice to this mixture, the healing process will go even faster.

The high potassium content in cucumbers makes them very valuable for blood pressure disorders. Moreover, it is interesting that cucumber juice lowers high blood pressure and increases low blood pressure, that is, it helps to normalize it.

Cucumber juice is beneficial for dental diseases And gums, for example when periodontal disease.

Good results are achieved as a result of regular consumption of cucumber juice with the addition of carrot and salad juices for many skin diseases. In some cases, adding a small amount of alfalfa juice to this mixture increased its effectiveness.


This is one of the best tonic and strengthening remedies. It helps neutralize the over-acidic environment and normalizes the alkaline balance of the body.

Dandelion juice contains exceptionally high percentages of potassium, calcium and sodium. It is also the richest source of magnesium and iron.

We need magnesium to strengthen our skeleton. This is especially important during pregnancy. When the bones of the fetus are formed, the expectant mother often begins to have problems with her teeth. This is understandable. The supply of magnesium and calcium in the body is limited, so it is extracted from where it “lies badly” (all the best goes to children!). In order for the child to have strong bones and the mother to have healthy teeth, during pregnancy it is necessary to increase the intake of magnesium and calcium. Dandelion juice will help with this.

Organic magnesium in the correct ratio with calcium, iron and sulfur is necessary for the formation of blood cells. It is also used as a building material for the restoration of lung tissue and the nervous system.

As with other minerals, organic magnesium can only be obtained from fresh plants that have not been cooked or preserved. Organic magnesium should not be confused with magnesium supplement, which is an inorganic mineral. All magnesium chemicals lead to the deposition of inorganic waste in the body. Yes, these drugs have a quick effect, but temporary improvement will have negative consequences later. Isn’t it better to adhere to one wise principle: “It is better to be prudent and careful than to repent later.” Unlike chemical magnesium supplements, organic magnesium from fresh vegetable juices is a very important nutrient for the body.

Raw dandelion juice, which is obtained from caviar leaves, combined with carrot juice and turnip leaf juice helps with various diseases of the spine and others bone diseases, and also gives strength to teeth, preventing the occurrence of caries.

Among green juices, dandelion juice is one of the richest sources of vitamin A.

A mixture of carrot, celery and dandelion juices is very effective in asthma And hay fever. A good effect is achieved when the dietary disorders that cause these diseases are eliminated. First of all, you need to stop consuming milk and dairy products, concentrated starches And sugars

Dandelion juice mixed with celery and parsley juice is very helpful for anemia And functional heart disorders. It is also extremely useful for spleen.


Chicory endive is a curly plant that resembles lettuce. It is also known as escarole and chicory. It is a close relative of the dandelion, and their chemical composition is largely similar. Besides, Chicory contains nutrients that the optical system of the eye urgently needs.

A juice mixture of chicory, carrots, parsley and celery gives amazing results in recovery visual defects. In this case, the optic nerve and muscular system of the eye receive all the nutrients necessary for normal functioning. Daily consumption of 250-500 g of this juice mixture for several months often restores vision to normal, and in many cases the need to wear glasses disappears.

Here is a case that happened to a woman living in West Virginia, south of Pittsburgh.

A woman lost her sight completely after developing cataracts. The doctors made a disappointing diagnosis; they were sure that she would never see again. This woman had heard a lot about the miraculous benefits of raw vegetable juices and decided to try juice therapy.

After undergoing a general cleansing of the body, she began to eat only raw fruits and vegetables (without concentrated starches and sugars) and drank 250 g of a juice mixture of carrots, celery, parsley and chicory daily; 250 g carrot juice; 250 g of a mixture of carrot, celery, parsley and spinach juice; 250 g carrot-spinach juice mixture. The treatment was long but successful. Within a year, her vision was restored to such an extent that she was able to read newspapers and magazines using a magnifying glass.


There are two types of fennel - ordinary, garden, which is also called sweet dill, and Florentine, known as "finocchio" (especially popular among Italians).

Garden fennel is a herb and is not suitable for extracting juice; it is most often used as a seasoning. But Florentine fennel, which belongs to the celery family, produces excellent juice, and it is much sweeter and more aromatic than celery.

Fennel juice stimulates blood formation processes And therefore especially useful for menstrual disorders. IN In this case, it can be used separately or mixed with carrot and beet juice.


Many people don't like garlic because of its unpleasant smell, but it is extremely beneficial for humans. Garlic is rich in mustard oil and other elements that lead to increased secretion of gastric juice, resulting in improved appetite. Other metabolic processes in the body are also activated, and intestinal motility is enhanced. Garlic juice has a diuretic effect.

The essential oils contained in garlic help cleanse the lungs and bronchi from mucus accumulation, as well as remove toxins from the body through the pores.

When preparing garlic juice, remember that your juicer will retain its garlic flavor for several days after making the juice.


What was said about garlic also applies to onions, although onion juice has a less pungent odor than garlic juice. But this does not diminish its beneficial properties, and it is undoubtedly a health-promoting agent.


Leek juice is similar in its chemical composition and effect on the body to onion and garlic juice, although its effect is somewhat weaker.


Horseradish juice is not consumed in its pure form, as it contains very strong essential substances. Horseradish is usually used in the form of a paste, adding lemon juice to it. For 150 g of horseradish pulp - juice of 2-3 lemons. This is the most effective ratio. The resulting mixture should be taken on an empty stomach, 2 times a day, half a teaspoon.

This mixture does not irritate the kidneys, gallbladder or mucous membrane of the digestive tract, but is extremely effective in ridding the body of accumulated mucus, which is very important during treatment bronchitis, sinusitis, sore throat etc.

In addition, horseradish gruel with lemon juice is a strong diuretic, especially useful for swelling and dropsy.


Ground pear is rich in alkaline minerals, especially potassium, which accounts for more than 50% of all elements it contains.

It is a sunflower plant and is widely grown in Italy, where it is known as carciofo or irciciofo.

In its raw form, this vegetable contains the enzyme inulase and a large amount of insulin. Ground pear juice is very healthy and tasty, either alone or mixed with carrot juice. Drink pear juice when diabetes mellitus, heart disease, atherosclerosis, liver diseases And kidney


Lettuce juice contains large amounts of iron and magnesium. The first of these elements exhibits the greatest activity in the body, and therefore it is important that it is renewed more often than all the others. Iron is stored primarily in the liver and spleen and is then used as needed. For example, with severe blood loss or bleeding, iron is used for intensive synthesis of red blood cells. The iron accumulated in the liver and spleen is also used when the body does not receive enough of it from the food consumed. The iron stores in the spleen are like a battery that recharges the blood.

Magnesium, also contained in salad, has enormous life-giving power. It is especially valuable for muscle tissue, brain and nerves. Organic magnesium salts serve as building materials mainly for cells of the nervous system and lung tissue. They also help maintain normal blood circulation and a number of other functions, without which proper metabolism is impossible.

As I already said, calcium is also necessary for the effective use of magnesium salts. It is also contained in the salad in sufficient quantities, and it is this combination of microelements that makes the salad an exceptionally valuable vegetable. So, the ratio of the main minerals in the salad is as follows: more than 38% potassium, 15% calcium, a little more than 6% iron and about 6% magnesium. In addition, it contains more than 9% phosphorus - one of the main elements of the brain and a lot of sulfur, which is part of hemoglobin and plays the role of an oxidizing agent. Many diseases of the nervous system are associated with the fact that the above elements enter the body in inorganic form, for example through meat foods and cereals.

Together with silicon, which is more than 8% in lettuce, sulfur and phosphorus are necessary for the normal condition of skin, tendons and hair growth. Excessive intake of these elements in the body in inorganic form from cereals and cooked foods is the main cause of baldness. Drinking a mixture of carrot, lettuce and spinach juices daily can stop this process or prevent it altogether.

Another effective way to improve hair growth and restore its natural color is a mixture of carrot, lettuce, green pepper and alfalfa juices.

When mixed with carrot juice, salad is enriched with vitamin A contained in carrots, as well as sodium, which helps maintain calcium in a dissolved state.

When preparing salad juice, pay attention to the color of the leaves. It is better to use dark green leaves, as they contain much more chlorophyll and other vital elements than light green ones.

Lettuce juice is very useful for people suffering from tuberculosis And stomach diseases. It is also a good diuretic. Salad juice is useful not only for adults, but also for children, even very young ones.


Although romaine belongs to the salad family, its chemical composition is completely different from cabbage. Its homeland is the island of Kos, part of the Greek archipelago. In the UK it is known as cos lettuce.

Romaine lettuce juice with a small addition of seaweed powder activates the adrenal cortex and improves the secretion of the hormone adrenaline, necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes in the body. A special property of this salad is its high content sodium, which is 60% more than the potassium present here. This circumstance makes romaine juice one of the most valuable remedies in the treatment of diseases such as bronze disease, in which the adrenal glands are affected.

Positive results were noted with daily intake of large amounts of fresh juices in which sodium predominated over potassium. During the treatment period, all concentrated starches and sugars, any types of meat and meat products, as well as all vegetables containing more potassium than sodium (thus, beets, celery, romaine lettuce, spinach) were excluded from the diet. The patient's diet included pomegranates, strawberries, wild strawberries, tomatoes, figs, almonds and beech nuts. A positive effect was noted when carrot juice was added to all of the above juices.


Mustard leaves should only be used in salads, since their juice, containing a large amount of mustard oil, can cause inflammation of the digestive tract and kidneys.

Mustard leaves contain quite a lot of oxalic acid, so they should never be eaten boiled (during heat treatment, organic oxalic acid turns into dead inorganic oxalic acid, which binds calcium salts, promoting the formation of sand and stones in the kidneys and bladder) .

Although mustard leaf juice alone may cause some discomfort, a certain amount of it mixed with carrot, spinach, and turnip juice is a good remedy. hemorrhoids.


Parsley produces one of the most potent juices, so in its pure form it should never be consumed more than 30-60 g. It will be better if you mix the indicated dose with the juices of carrots, lettuce, spinach or celery.

The list of diseases that should be treated with parsley juice is quite large and varied. Raw fresh parsley juice helps improve oxygen metabolism and maintain normal functions of the adrenal and thyroid glands. In addition, the elements contained in this juice strengthen blood vessels, especially capillaries and arteries. Parsley juice is the most effective remedy for treatment diseases of the genitourinary system. It is very helpful in cases where you need to remove kidney stones And bladder. Parsley juice has been successfully used to treat nephritis, albuminuria, dropsy. All eye diseases can be successfully treated with the help of this juice and juice mixtures that contain it. Ulceration of the cornea, cataracts, conjunctivitis, ophthalmia at different stages and sluggish pupil we treated it with a mixture of parsley, celery, endive and carrot juice.

Parsley juice, especially mixed with beetroot or beetroot-carrot juice, as well as cucumber juice, is used in the treatment of menstrual cycle disorders. Cramps and pain during menstruation often stopped if patients began to take these juices regularly. As in other cases, concentrated starches, sugars and meat products are excluded from the diet during treatment.

Parsnip juice

Parsnip has virtually no value as a food product, so it is unpopular among gardeners. However, the healing properties of the juice of its leaves and roots are highly valued. Parsnip juice is rich in potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon and chlorine.

The silicon and sulfur contained in parsnips strengthens nails, making them less brittle. Phosphorus and chlorine cure diseases of the lungs and bronchi, so parsnip juice is recommended for patients tuberculosis, pneumonia And emphysema. A high percentage of potassium makes parsnips an indispensable product for many mental disorders.

All of the above applies only to parsnips I sowing Wild parsnips are unsuitable for consumption as they contain toxic substances.


This juice differs from other vegetable juices in that it is saturated with a rather rare substance - silicon, which is extremely necessary for nails and hair. It is also very useful for the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands and tear ducts. A mixture of pepper juice and carrot juice, which contains 25-50% pepper juice, is an excellent means of cleansing skin from blemishes.

People suffering from colic, gas formation And mucus in the intestines, It is recommended to take 500 g of pepper juice and 500 g of a mixture of carrot and spinach juices every day. It is best to drink juices on an empty stomach at intervals of two to three hours.


Raw potatoes contain easily digestible sugars, which turn into starch when cooked. We must remember that in potatoes, especially in sprouted and greened tubers, a toxic substance called solanine is formed, the adverse effects of which on the human body are especially enhanced if boiled potatoes and meat are eaten at the same time. In this case, excessive stimulation of the centers that control the genitals may occur. So, it is better for persons with sexual dysfunctions, prone to sexual arousal and suffering from sexually transmitted diseases to avoid such dishes.

Raw potatoes and their juice, on the contrary, are very healthy. It contains large quantities of substances such as potassium, sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine, so it is successfully used to remove age spots on the skin. I repeat once again that all microelements, including these, are useful only in their organic, natural form. When cooked, they turn into inorganic elements, and in this form cannot be absorbed by the body at all or are of very little value.

It is believed that potatoes, unlike other vegetables, cannot be eaten raw. This is a misconception. Fresh, raw potatoes grown without the use of chemical fertilizers are both tasty and healthy. Particularly great benefits can be obtained from a combination of potato and carrot juices.

Raw potato juice is an excellent cleanser. For digestive disorders And nervous diseases use a mixture of potato, carrot and celery juices. At sciatica And goiter It is recommended to consume half a liter of a juice mixture of carrot, beet and cucumber juices daily, with the complete exclusion of meat and fish dishes from the diet.

A mixture of carrot, potato and parsley juices helped in the treatment emphysema.


Juice can be prepared not only from radish roots, but also from leaves. It should only be consumed as part of juice mixtures, since pure undiluted radish juice causes a very strong irritation reaction.

A juice mixture of carrot juice and radish juice enhances the tone of the mucous membrane. The greatest effect can be achieved if you drink this juice mixture within an hour after taking horseradish juice. Horseradish juice dissolves mucus, and radish juice removes it from the body, restores mucous membranes and soothes.

As I already said, mucus accumulated in the body is the cause of many diseases. For example, it causes the formation fistulas, which we are advised to remove surgically, although no one can ever guarantee the success of the operation. But surgery is often not necessary. Horseradish and lemon juice would help as much as surgery, without causing any harm. If you want to avoid the accumulation of mucus in the body and related problems, then remember the following: mucus is formed as a result of excessive consumption of milk and dairy products, concentrated sugars, starches, bread and cereals.


Few people know that the cause of kidney dysfunction in children is often due to excessive consumption of rhubarb. This is because rhubarb contains a lot of oxalic acid, more than any other vegetable. When we cook compotes or jam, which children love so much, oxalic acid turns into an inorganic substance that is deposited in our tissues and organs in the form of crystals. This way we can get rheumatism, arthritis, and urolithiasis. Oxalic acid generally causes us many problems, so we will talk about it separately.

However, rhubarb juice can also be beneficial if used correctly. That's right - this means raw, in small quantities and mixed with other juices, such as carrot juice, celery juice or fruit juices. Such juice mixtures enhance intestinal motility. It is not recommended to sweeten rhubarb juice, and if you do, you should use honey for this purpose, not sugar.


Sorrel juice is an excellent remedy for restoring normal functioning of the digestive tract when intestinal sluggishness. It contains iron and magnesium, necessary for maintaining good blood condition, as well as phosphorus, sulfur and silicon, which the body needs to cleanse and get rid of toxins. This chemical composition of sorrel makes it a valuable product for the functioning of all glands. Boiled sorrel does not bring any benefit, so it is better to avoid eating sorrel soup.


Spinach has a beneficial effect on all organs of the digestive tract, from the stomach to the colon. Raw spinach is rich in organic substances that help cleanse and restore intestinal functions. By taking half a liter of spinach juice a day, you can quickly eliminate the most severe forms constipation The use of laxatives causes addiction to them, and this habit over time causes the need for increasingly stronger laxatives. It is known that all laxatives are strong irritants that stimulate the intestinal muscles. Spinach juice makes muscle and nerve tissue work, healing them from chronic inactivity. As a result, they continue to work independently even after applying the juice. In this regard, raw spinach juice is very effective as a means to cleanse and heal the entire digestive tract.

There is another important property of spinach: it has a positive effect on teeth and gums and can be used as a means of prevention. periodontal disease. This is actually a mild form of scurvy, which occurs due to a deficiency in the body of certain vitamins and microelements, namely those contained in a mixture of carrot and spinach juices. It is not surprising that we suffer from periodontal disease, because instead of carrot-spinach juice we eat boiled cereals, refined sugar and other junk foods. But once you switch to raw plant foods, you will forget about problems with your gums and teeth.

It is difficult to list all the diseases that are caused by the accumulation of waste in the lower intestines. This peptic ulcer, nervous system disorders, adrenal gland disorders And thyroid gland, diseases of the cardiovascular system, neuritis, arthritis, abscesses And boils, swelling of the extremities, hypertension And hypotension, rheumatism, chronic fatigue, migraines. And this is not a complete list. But all these ailments can be avoided by eating raw carrots and spinach. By excluding meat products, fish, and milk from your diet, but drinking half a liter of carrot-spinach juice daily, you will never encounter these problems.

Spinach, lettuce and watercress (watercress), as well as carrots and green peppers contain large amounts of vitamins C and E. A lack of vitamin E, for example, is one of the causes of miscarriages and infertility in women, as well as impotence in men. Many forms of paralysis are also a consequence of a lack of this vitamin. Its deficiency causes metabolic disorders, which in turn leads to a deterioration in overall health.

Spinach should never be consumed boiled or canned. since in this case the atoms of oxalic acid under the influence of high temperature become inorganic, which as a result leads to the formation of kidney stones.

And now, as I promised, let's talk in more detail about oxalic acid.

IN In the human body, namely in the digestive canal, the circulatory system, in the spermatic cords and excretory organs, peristaltic movement is constantly occurring. It occurs in waves and consists of a series of successive contractions and relaxations of nerves and muscles. The effectiveness and timeliness of this peristaltic action largely depends on the tone and physical condition of the nerves and muscles.

An important element in stimulating this process is oxalic acid.

No one doubts the fact that any movement in the body depends on the presence of life in the cells and tissues of organs. Dead matter is incapable of life. Only living substances can support life and ensure the normal flow of all vital processes in the body. Of course, a healthy organism, having gathered all its strength, will search for or synthesize living substances for itself. But how long will it last?

If such important systems of the body, such as the digestive or excretory system, begin to become decrepit, and their organs begin to wear out, then the efficiency of their functions will naturally deteriorate sharply. And such a state of the body will be solely the result of a lack or absence of living atoms in food, delivered to cells and tissues by raw fruits and vegetables.

It has been said more than once that substances identical in their chemical composition can exist in organic (supplemented with living enzymes) and inorganic forms. In its raw form, any food contains living organic substances and is replete with all necessary enzymes. The same can be said about oxalic acid. Oxalic acid, found in raw vegetables and their juices, is necessary for the physiological functions of our body. Oxalic acid easily combines with calcium, and if both of these substances are organic, then this combination is useful. In this case, oxalic acid promotes the absorption of calcium, while at the same time stimulating the peristaltic function of the body.

But as soon as living food is cooked or subjected to any other processing, the same oxalic acid becomes non-viable, inorganic - that is, harmful to a living organism, destroying it. And if it forms compounds with living calcium, which entered the body with other food, then this living calcium loses all value and is not absorbed by the body. All this leads to a serious calcium deficiency, and consequently to the destruction of bone tissue.

Thus, the minerals contained in our food cannot be completely absorbed by the body due to the heat treatment of the products. In addition, all this often interferes with the absorption of other elements, which is possible only through chemical or other influence.

The largest amounts of organic oxalic acid are found in fresh spinach, beet, turnip and mustard leaves, cabbage and broadleaf French sorrel.


This juice is one of the most affordable and healthy products. It is rich in sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium.

Tomatoes contain quite a lot of citric and malic acid, as well as a certain amount of oxalic acid. All these acids are needed by the human body to carry out metabolic processes, and fresh tomatoes are the best source of these substances. But as soon as these vegetables are cooked, the substances needed by the body immediately turn into inorganic substances that are harmful to humans. In many cases of kidney and bladder stones, the main culprit is boiled or canned tomatoes or their juices, especially those containing starch and sugar.


This juice is especially useful for those who suffers from diabetes. Diabetes is not always inherited. However, if it is customary in a family to consume a large amount of concentrated carbohydrates, then this disease can develop not only in the parents, but also in the child, especially if he inherited a vulnerable pancreas and sensitive to inorganic food from his parents. The predominance in the diet of inorganic, boiled, flour and cereal products, as well as pasteurized or boiled cow's milk, is one of the main reasons for the development of this disease.

It is known that insulin injection does not help treat this disease, but only provides short-term relief. Insulin is a substance produced by the pancreas that allows the body to absorb natural sugars (but not the highly processed and refined sugar that is made in factories). This natural sugar is used by the body as an energy resource. As already mentioned, our cells and tissues can only benefit from organic sugars contained in fresh, raw vegetables and fruits. As for inorganic starch and sugar, in order to assimilate them, the body must first convert these elements into “primary” sugars. But since inorganic starch and sugar do not possess living enzymes, in the process of converting these substances into organic ones, the pancreas is overloaded and receives atoms devoid of life, which have absolutely no restorative or building quality. It is this circumstance that leads to diabetes.

It has been established that a mixture of green bean and Brussels sprouts juices contains elements that promote the body's production of natural insulin, which is necessary for the needs of the digestive organs.

As already mentioned, to prevent diabetes, you should exclude all concentrated starches and sugars from your diet, and limit your consumption of fatty and meat products. To treat diabetes, it is recommended to consume 1 liter of a mixture of carrot, lettuce, green bean and Brussels sprouts juices daily. In addition, it is useful to drink half a liter of a mixture of carrot and spinach juices. Regular cleansing enemas give good results.


No type of vegetable can compete with turnips in the amount of calcium that turnip leaves are so rich in. This substance is more than 50% higher than the content of other minerals and salts found here combined. Therefore, turnip leaf juice is the best remedy for those who suffer from osteoporosis, caries, and softening of bones And teeth. This juice is most effective when mixed with carrot juice and dandelion juice. The combination of magnesium contained in dandelion, calcium in turnip leaves and substances that carrots are rich in gives the bones the necessary hardness.

In addition, turnip leaf juice reduces acidity in the body and improves its alkaline composition, especially in combination with celery and carrot juices. Turnip leaves are also rich in sodium and iron.

Organic calcium deficiency in the body can be caused by constant consumption of sugar, pasteurized cow's milk, as well as flour and cereal products. All of the listed products contain a huge amount of calcium, but inorganic, one that has nothing to do with the living human body and is simply incompatible with it. Consuming such calcium is like chewing cement. The body, in particular the circulatory system, has to work hard to get rid of this harmful substance.

Inorganic calcium atoms most often enter blood vessels and settle at their ends. There are especially many of them in the rectum, where they gradually accumulate, causing discomfort and pain. This painful condition is called hemorrhoids.

It usually affects people who prefer to eat boiled food or foods containing large amounts of inorganic substances. There are no people who eat live food and juices and still have hemorrhoids. Any attempts to get rid of this disease using injections, electrical coagulation (clotting) and surgery do not lead to a final recovery, since all this is only an attempt to eliminate the consequences, and not the cause of the disease. Here's a typical example.

One fairly well-known lawyer suffered from an advanced, almost chronic form of hemorrhoids for a very long time. He was recommended to drink 1 liter of a mixture of carrot, spinach, turnip and watercress juices daily and start eating exclusively raw vegetables and fruits.

Less than a month had passed, and the happy patient came to us again for a medical examination. He claimed that there was no trace of hemorrhoids left. Soon this was confirmed by the doctors who carried out the examination.

And this case is not the only one. Many people have been able to get rid of this unpleasant disease by consuming the above juices.


This juice is distinguished by the fact that it is very rich in sulfur. Another feature of watercress juice is its significant content of elements that can carry out a powerful cleansing of the intestines, so it is recommended to consume this juice only in a mixture with other juices, for example, carrot or celery.

Watercress contains a lot of potassium - more than 20%, calcium - 18%, sodium - 8%, magnesium - 5%, and also a little iron - 0.25%.

At anemia, low blood pressure And exhaustion of the body A mixture of carrot juice with spinach juice and a small amount of salad juice, watercress juice and turnip leaves is recommended. It contains substances necessary to renew the blood and especially improve its oxygen supply.

A mixture of carrot juice, spinach juice, turnip leaves and watercress has the ability to dissolve clotted blood fibrin when hemorrhoids. With its help, you can successfully get rid of not only hemorrhoidal cones, but also many types tumors.

You can get rid of hemorrhoids in a relatively short period of time, without resorting to the help of surgeons, as follows: you need to take 1 liter of a mixture of carrot juice, spinach, turnip leaves and watercress every day, completely switching to healthy “live” food (see. "Turnip juice")

During treatment emphysema Watercress juice is a valuable addition to the juices of carrots, parsley and potatoes. The elements phosphorus and chlorine are especially beneficial in this mixture.


There are quite a lot of vegetables that are high in potassium. But most of this useful microelement is found in carrots, celery, parsley and spinach. Potassium is absorbed best if you consume the raw, undiluted juices of these vegetables.

I call this mixture potassium “broth” because it contains almost all the salts and minerals the body needs. There is no more effective way to quickly reducing high acidity of gastric juice, than potassium "broth". This juice mixture is extremely beneficial for the body. It contains so many useful substances and they are in such an optimal ratio that the potassium “broth” can completely satisfy the body’s need for nutrients for some time, when a person is unable to take other food, for example, during a serious illness. Not everyone likes the specific taste of this “broth,” but sometimes we have to put up with unpleasant sensations in order to achieve health, because we so need living elements to restore cells and tissues.


Laminaria seaweed is one of the valuable food products. Its glandular hairs float on the surface, where, under the influence of sunlight with the help of enzymes, they form something similar to buds and leaves, and the roots go down, sometimes reaching a depth of 20-30 thousand feet ( 1 foot is approximately equal to 30.5 cm).

Kelp leaves are known as sea lettuce or seaweed. It is widely consumed by residents of Scotland, Ireland, Japan and other countries. In the USA and Canada it is widely used in dried form.

Kelp is an excellent source of organic iodine. In addition, it contains minerals and trace elements that are not so easy to find in ordinary vegetables. This is understandable, because more than 59 elements are dissolved in sea water. That's why we need seafood so much - they have a unique chemical composition.

Consuming a moderate amount of seaweed as a dietary supplement provides the body with a set of microelements that is not found in any fruits and vegetables.

If you add algae powder to a potassium mixture of juices (carrots, celery, parsley and spinach), you get a very valuable product, extremely beneficial for the endocrine gland system, especially the thyroid gland.


In my previous publications, I wrote a lot about the harmful effects of vinegar on the body. But all this applied only to white distilled and wine vinegars, which contain acetic acid.

White distilled vinegar is really dangerous for humans. It destroys red blood cells and causes anemia. In addition, white vinegar disrupts digestive processes, slows them down and interferes with the absorption of food.

Vinegar produced by wine fermentation contains on average 3 to 9% acetic acid and usually very little tartaric acid. Acetic acid is often the cause of cirrhosis, ulcerative colitis and other serious diseases that involve the destruction of living tissue.

And here vinegar obtained from whole apples is very useful, So how it contains organic malic acid, which aids digestion.

The acid contained in apple cider vinegar is a very valuable building element that combines with alkaline and mineral substances in the body. It forms an energy reserve in the form glycogen. Glycogen increases blood clotting, helps restore the menstrual cycle, improves the condition of blood vessels and stimulates the formation of red blood cells.

In addition, apple cider vinegar has an exceptionally high content of potassium - a substance that is extremely necessary for the production and maintenance of a certain supply of energy in the body and for the restoration of the nervous system.

Apple cider vinegar is made from whole apples. The resulting product has amazing antiseptic properties. Applying it directly to the skin helps with many skin diseases. Apple cider vinegar is also widely used for treatment varicose veins. To do this, you need to lubricate the affected areas with apple cider vinegar in the morning and evening. At the same time, you need to drink 2-3 glasses of water daily with the addition of 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar.

It should be remembered that our well-being, and indeed our entire life, depend on the state of the blood, which is produced in the bone marrow and circulates in the circulatory system passing throughout the body. Complete blood renewal occurs systematically, every 28 days, and disruption of this cycle has an extremely negative impact on health.

In order for the process of hematopoiesis to occur I without violations, it is recommended to constantly consume not only vegetable and fruit juices, but also high-quality apple cider vinegar.

Taking 2 teaspoons of this vinegar daily in a glass of water (2-3 times a day if necessary) has a positive effect on heavy menstruation, bleeding hemorrhoids, nosebleeds, and various bleeding wounds.

Apple cider vinegar also helps cope with hypertension. It is known that a lack of hydrochloric acid in the digestive system impairs the digestibility of proteins, which, in turn, leads to increased blood pressure. To combat this disease, you need to take one to three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar before meals every day. As a result, blood pressure decreases noticeably.

The first step to healing the body is its absolute cleanliness. Any accumulation or retention of unhealthy substances or any waste in it slows down the healing process. The excretory organs are the lungs, skin pores, kidneys and intestines.

Sweating is the action of sweat glands that release toxins harmful to the body. The kidneys remove the final products of food and metabolism from the liver. The intestines remove not only food waste, but also body waste in the form of waste cells and tissues resulting from our physical and mental activities. If they are not excreted, they cause protein decomposition, leading to toxemia (blood poisoning) or acidosis (high acidity).

Retaining such waste from the body is much more detrimental to our health than is commonly thought, and eliminating it is one of the first steps to achieving tangible results.

A quick method of cleansing the body

One quick and effective detoxification method, especially for adults, is the following: (WARNING: Do not use this detoxification method if you have appendicitis or are prone to it. In this case, use enemas two to three times a day for one week or more) . In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of solution (one tablespoon per glass of water) of Glauber's salt (sodium sulfate) warm or cold. The purpose of taking such a solution is not to empty the intestines, but rather to extract from all parts of the body the toxins and wastes present there and remove them through the intestines.

This solution acts on toxic lymph and waste in the same way that a magnet attracts nails and metal filings. Thus, waste is collected in the intestines and expelled from the body by repeated bowel cleansing. The amount of sewage released can be a total of three to four liters or more. This leads to dehydration of the body and therefore it is necessary to replenish the removed toxic and acidic substances by drinking two liters of fresh citrus juice diluted with two liters of water for rapid absorption by the body. This mixture gives an alkaline reaction to the body.

The citrus mixture is prepared as follows:

  • juice of four large or six medium grapefruits;
  • juice of two large or three medium-sized lemons,
  • add the rest of the amount with orange juice to get two liters of citrus juice mixture.
  • To these two liters add two liters of water.

Start drinking this juice thirty minutes after taking the Glauber's salt solution and continue drinking it every twenty or thirty minutes until the entire four liter mixture is gone.

Do not eat anything all day, but if in the evening hunger becomes unbearable, then you can eat some oranges or grapefruits, or their juice, or a little celery juice.

Before going to bed, do an enema with two liters of lukewarm water, to which you should add the juice of one or two lemons. The purpose of such an enema is to remove waste from the folds of the colon and small intestines.

This detoxification procedure should be done for three days in a row, as a result, approximately twelve liters of toxic lymph will be removed from the body and replaced with the same amount of alkalizing fluid. This process accelerates the alkalization of the body. On the fourth and subsequent days, you should start drinking vegetable juices, eating vegetables and fruits only in raw form.

If you experience weakness during or after detoxification, you should not worry. Nature uses the body's energy to cleanse it and soon after this you will gain greater energy and vigor due to the complete cleansing of the entire body. published

From the book by N.V. Walker "Treatment with raw vegetable juices"

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet