Composition reflection on the story of N.V. Gogol “Portrait. Essay "Portrait of a Teacher" Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova



Reshetnikova Svetlana Nikolaevna,

primary school teacher,

MBOU Astrakhan "Secondary School No. 12"

Essay "Portrait of a modern teacher"

The teacher of the 21st century is a creator in the most diverse areas of pedagogical activity: an experienced technologist, an organizer, always striving to sum up his work, generalize his experience.

It is not easy to talk about sad things, and yet we will believe that the teacher of the 21st century will finally become a specialist in a highly paid profession. The degree of self-giving that is inherent in people of our specialty will sooner or later be deservedly appreciated by the society of the future.

"A teacher, regardless of gender, should dress strictly, modestly, cleanly and neatly, avoid bright, flashy colors. By his appearance, he will be able to set an example of good taste for his students. Of course, shoes should be carefully cleaned, hair should be neat, and manicure should be classic However, clothes are only part of the appearance, the manner of behavior is important.

A modern teacher must keep up with the times” - both teachers and students agree with this opinion. But what does it mean? It is no secret that time does not stand still, the volume and quality of information, the content of school programs, textbooks, and manuals are rapidly changing. The use of computer technology is becoming commonplace in the activities of a teacher. Of course, a computer helps to get information, a book gives food for thought, but only a teacher can teach and educate. His task is to fill the student’s world with moral colors, to believe in the good and see the best in students, which is not yet there, but will definitely manifest itself later, and also to teach him to learn so that the student is able and willing to acquire knowledge on his own. And, of course, there should be an assistant teacher, partner teacher and employee nearby.

A teacher who has pleasant manners, and this includes facial expressions, gestures, posture, and communication skills, wins people over. All the manners of the teacher should have one common feature - this is the observance of pedagogical tact, which includes increased sensitivity to others and the ability to find such a form of communication with another person that would allow him to maintain personal dignity. Personal qualities in the teaching profession are inseparable from professional ones. Over time, the level of demands placed on us becomes higher and higher. Today we really must know and be able to do a lot, otherwise we will not be interesting to our students. But we must not forget about moral qualities. And for this it is necessary that our heart, the main pedagogical tool of the teacher, be able to see. A tool for knowing oneself, life, the soul of a child.

Today, the teacher should be not only a source of knowledge, but also an active participant in the educational process. To involve each child in the learning process, to be able to listen to him, to make him his assistant, to look through the eyes of the student at the problem that worries him - this is the task of the teacher. Only a teacher who is well versed in the methodology can properly organize pedagogical activities and prepare for the lesson. Now there is a lot of talk about innovations in the educational process. The teachers of our school do not have a single idea of ​​innovation. Not every teacher has comprehended his own teaching, developmental and educational role in the modern pedagogical process. Not every teacher is ready to make the student an equal participant in the pedagogical process. So far, not every teacher has identified for himself the priority tasks of teaching.

Teaching is a calling, teaching is a ministry, not a job.

A professional teacher does not go to work, does not serve teaching hours, but lives together with the children, experiences everything that happens every day, bringing together painstaking invisible creativity in preparing for lessons, and extracurricular work on the subject, and all the diverse activities in cooperation with students. At the same time, he shows a desire to work creatively. The creative activity of the teacher, which involves the development of the child, is based on being ahead of the curve, on a constant creative search in all types of interaction with students.

The teacher must keep up with the times: use innovations in his work, various methods, must be fluent in the material taught. But most importantly, he must be a PERSON WITH A CAPITAL LETTER. It is necessary to leave the negative beyond the threshold of the school, and to carry and sow the good, reasonable, eternal to the children, no matter how hard it is on the soul. It would not hurt to recall folk wisdom in the form of proverbs and sayings: "As it comes around, it will respond." It depends on us what will respond to us in the near future. We are afraid to think about the future, so maybe we will think about who we are educating and what we want to receive.

Whatever the public opinion, one thing is clear, the country needs new teaching staff and new specialists, like former school graduates, able to realize themselves in the future. As for the personality of a teacher, I think the essence of a real teacher lies in the very word "TEACHER":
U is unique, smart, successful, versatile, able to professionally present the material.
H - honest, humane, sensitive, with a sense of humor.

And - sincere, individuality.

T - tactful, tolerant, patient.

E - natural, like-minded.

L - loving children, loving his work.
b - and very soft as a soft sign and the word itself!

and this truth will be timeless.


1. Bordovskaya I. V., Rean A. A. Pedagogy. Textbook for high school. Moscow: Peter, 2005.

2. Introduction to pedagogical activity. Proc. allowance / ed. A. S. Robotova, T. V. Leontyeva, I. G. Shaposhnikova / M.: Academy, 2008.

3. Kolesnikova I. A., M. P. Gorchakova-Sibirskaya Pedagogical design. Textbook for higher educational institutions, M., Academy, 2006.

4. Kolesnika I. A., Borytko N. M., Polyakov S. D. Educational activities of teachers. Textbook for higher educational institutions M.: Akakdemia, 2008.

5. Frolovskaya MN Formation of a professional image of the teacher's world: Abstract. dis. …, 2009.

6. sovremennogo-uchitelya-s-uchetom.


It’s very difficult for me to say something about myself, because sometimes I don’t understand myself in something. Your actions and deeds. When I remember how I started to communicate with a person or how I behave in a given situation, I don’t recognize myself as a couple.
They tell me that I'm too old for my age and that I don't look 12 (my friends and acquaintances say so). On the one hand, I'm pleased. On the other hand, I still want to be a little girl. But, unfortunately, that age has passed.
What is an adult in my opinion? Responsible, not doing stupid things. Some people think that being an adult is impossible until you stop fooling around and laughing a lot. I completely disagree. I will find hundreds of reasons, but I will never agree with this On the contrary, if a person can control himself, his actions and emotions, he is mature enough.
Now in myself I'm trying to overcome such a feeling as sensitivity. It bothers me a lot. Sometimes I'm too sensitive about what they say about me. But here a feeling should wake up that I will also bring up in myself - indifference. I cannot say that indifference is a positive quality, but I also cannot say that it is negative. I have recently verified this myself. I was told that I was strange and not like everyone else (in a bad way). I heard these words from someone close to me. I sobbed for a very long time. Yes, she was crying. But at one point I told myself that I don’t care about who and what they say and think about me. I will get everything I want. I am who I am. And it's hard for me to change. Because (as I believe) my character is half built.
I was also asked the question - what qualities irritate you in people?
The hypocrisy quality annoys me. To be honest, notes of this quality play in me too. That's definitely negative.
There are times when I don’t understand something and ask someone I don’t understand (rather, my classmate). But in response, I hear phrases like, “Well, you’re stupid!” Oh yes. In this situation, in my opinion, I’m not stupid here. Because a smart person would not have answered that, but had patience and explained again.
Speaking of smart people, I think my classmate Asya is a very smart and good girl for her age. She surprises me. She is a person to look up to. (maybe I misunderstand the meaning of this word, but in my opinion it means something like, strive to become the same)
Lately, thoughts have been in my head. Unusual. There was no such thing. On topics-
What are these feelings - fear, affection, passion and the most popular - love? "Oh yeah ..
Not much more about the qualities of character. Recently my classmate said that she is fatter than me. Hahaha! I honestly found it funny and disgusting to hear that. Because it is obvious that this is far from the case. Well, why say this? For what? For what purpose? What did this person want to say? Should I pity her or what? Well, I don't understand. What is this quality of character?
There is also another question ... Recently I told my friend about the great news, I was waiting for this event for 2.5-3 weeks. I told her about it, choking on "emotions." To which she replied, "Come on!" And she began to tell how her weekend went.
Probably I had an extreme degree of indignation and indignation. (Again, if I understand the meaning of this word correctly.) What is the name of this quality?
I don’t know if my psychological portrait will be clear now. But everything that I consider quite important for the concept of my character, I said.

This epigraph was not chosen by me by chance. A teacher is, first of all, that Great person who is entrusted with the most important thing - the successful life of the future generation. For me personally, an ideal teacher should have the following qualities: respect the personality of the child, sacredly believe in his abilities, in addition, have intelligence, unlimited patience, tact and be responsible for his work 24 hours a day.

Agree that in our time there are few such teachers who go to their work as if it were a holiday. Do you know why? Not because the teacher is lazy and just sits out time. This is because the main function of a modern teacher of the 21st century is not to give knowledge to children, but to perform bureaucratic and sometimes humiliating work of collecting information, maintaining personal files, reworking work programs, filling out paper and electronic journals. Modern society is built on consumption. Therefore, the teacher from a strict but fair mentor of the child (as it was in Soviet times), turned into a service staff, that is, an employee providing educational services for teaching, educating and looking after children.

The mass media have firmly formed a negative image of the teacher, lowered his status. Every year a large number of teachers graduate in our country, but only a few come to work in educational institutions. Why did it happen that earlier the word teacher sounded proud, but now it has become a humiliating word?

With the advent of the age of digital technologies - the use of modern computers and multimedia projectors, multifunctional devices, the life of a teacher, it would seem, has become easier. It is possible to present the material to students in an accessible and interesting way, as well as to motivate them to independently study the material in depth. But children are not interested in this either, they do not want to learn to think, to look for material not only in a book, but also on the Internet. Where is it better to sit down thoughtlessly and play computer games ... Is it only the teacher's fault? The society itself is to blame with its “clip thinking” and the wrong setting of the next state standards.

One government leader said that "teaching is a calling." Yes, I agree with this, but you won’t be fed up with one calling. A modern teacher must be financially secure, otherwise, what quality of knowledge can we talk about? Of course, the modern teacher keeps up with the times, but he goes with his head down. This should be taken for granted, but you can fight it - not alone, but all together!

I am a young defectologist teacher in the most ordinary public school. Therefore, it pains me more than ever to know what is happening now with our education ...

Knowing this problem "from the inside", I did not set a goal to write lofty words about the portrait of a modern teacher. A lot of requirements and competencies are presented to him, reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard. And many have forgotten only one thing, that a teacher is also a living person, with his own desires and needs. The teacher has a family to devote time to. A teacher is not a robot working 10-12 hours a day for two jobs to feed only himself. But what about spiritual development - traveling, going to theaters or concerts? The teacher should have self-esteem, which in modern society is belittled. The concept is “if you are so smart, then why are you so poor?”

I would like to write a little about the positive, namely about my professional activities. My students are special children. Therefore, my work is very interesting, it goes beyond the “framework” of only teaching. After all, I not only conduct classes with children, but also do diagnostics, develop individual corrective routes, and advise teachers and parents. My working day is scheduled to the smallest detail, because little students are waiting for me, each of which is unique, each needs a special approach. Some of my students need to be scolded, someone to be praised. But it is always important to give a smile and a particle of warmth. After all, children so subtly feel our mood, which affects the success of their education. Therefore, I try to be real, honest, sincere with my wards, and I hope that the guys answer me the same. Each lesson I conduct is a part of a child's life. The success of the child in the future depends on how accessible and interesting the material is presented. I strive to use computer and gaming technologies in the classroom, a variety of didactic, handouts. To interest means to move in the right direction and get one step closer in the formation of a child’s persistent motivation for development.

Summing up my own reflections, I will write that a modern teacher is a mobile person who is in constant development. After all, development is not only reflections, disappointments, hesitations, but also the joy of professional discoveries, faith in the success of your wards, energy, kindness and constant work on yourself.

Say "thank you" to your teachers! They deserve it!

Essay on the topic “Portrait of a modern teacher “Teacher - does this sound proud?…”” updated: July 31, 2017 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

A modern teacher is, first of all, a humanist, with positive and flexible thinking. He is called to "sow the reasonable, good, eternal", as well as hundreds of years ago, since "the well-being of the whole people depends on the right education" (D. Locke).



GBOU secondary school №511

Pushkinsky district of the city of St. Petersburg


« Portrait of a modern teacher»

primary school teacher

Litovchenko Marina Vladimirovna

At any stage of education, children need a mentor, who is given by God to predict how his word will resonate in the quivering heart of the child, waiting for understanding, care, support from him.

Modern life makes new demands on a person. Society needs people who are inquisitive, active, creative thinkers, able to make non-standard decisions and take responsibility for their adoption, able to make life choices.
Teacher. What is the basis of his profession? Subject knowledge? Undoubtedly. Oratory? Certainly. Love for children, the ability to understand and feel how a student learns and what he experiences at the same time? Well, who will argue. And he must always remain young in his work - keep up with the times, not stop there, always be on the lookout. A modern teacher should be a professional in everything.

The main goal of the work of a modern teacher is to educate a real person: competent, creative, diligent and responsive.

I am a teacher in an elementary school. The first teacher ... Or, as they say, the second mother. How proud and affectionate that sounds! But, at the same time, how responsible it is to be the first teacher. After all, it is me, the first teacher, that parents entrust the most precious thing they have - their children. And it depends on me, the first teacher, how not only the school life of the child, but also his future will turn out. The teacher can create a comfortable atmosphere for the children's team. After all, only respect and trust, sincere love for children can create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, see each child as a person. More than two thousand years ago, Socrates wrote: “In every person there is a sun, just let it shine.”

Every day I open the classroom door, and the eyes of my students turn to me, their bright, clear eyes - curious, kind, appreciating my every step. They expect a lot from me. And I give them the happiness of discoveries and communication, because I am a teacher who helps children in everything. Together with them I make discoveries, the first steps not only into the world of knowledge, but also into the real world, into my world, into my life.
The teacher should help the children unite, create a friendly atmosphere in the classroom and a single team. To teach how to act correctly in various situations, not to be afraid of difficulties, to be able to overcome them. The teacher should become a friend, comrade, helper for the student.

I love my profession very much and I am glad that fate gave me the opportunity to be called this not simple, but wonderful word “Teacher”.

I believe that a modern teacher should have such personal qualities as: responsibility, nobility, kindness, truthfulness, conscientiousness, diligence, accuracy, curiosity, resourcefulness, ingenuity, endurance, organization, determination, self-demanding, politeness, tact, imagination and invention , sensitivity, self-criticism, tolerance.

A modern teacher is a person who is believed, from whom they expect, albeit a small, but a miracle at every lesson, and leaving the class, the children say: “We were very interested and comfortable with you. Thank you for the lesson!"

A modern teacher is, first of all, a humanist, with positive and flexible thinking. He is called to "sow the reasonable, good, eternal", as well as hundreds of years ago, since "the well-being of the whole people depends on the right education" (D. Locke).

I believe that a modern teacher is a person with a firm life position, socially active himself, respecting order, able to conduct a constructive dialogue, constantly working to improve his horizons, forming a scientific type of thinking in his students, developing creative personal qualities of children, attaching special importance to the formation of basic skills, UUD, providing the opportunity to plan their actions aimed at achieving a certainresult, the formation of healthy lifestyle and social health skills. This is a teacher who focuses on the adoption of social values ​​“I can, I want, I must”, the upbringing of the leadership qualities of a person-creator, a person-researcher, a person-citizen.

A modern teacher should have pleasant demeanor, and this includes facial expressions, gestures, posture, and communication skills, which wins people over. All the manners of the teacher should have one common feature - this is the observance of pedagogical tact, which includes increased sensitivity to others and the ability to find such a form of communication with another person that would allow him to maintain personal dignity. The teacher must be able to listen, understand, sympathize, encourage, forgive the student.

Personal qualities in the teaching profession are inseparable from professional ones.
In conclusion, I would like to note that a modern, qualified, competent teacher is a central figure in the development of the country.

Sections: General pedagogical technologies

"Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me do it myself and I will learn."

ancient chinese wisdom.

For a long time, there was an opinion in higher education that the main thing for a graduate of a pedagogical university is what kind of specialist he is, and what kind of person he is is secondary. Conducted sociological studies both in our country and abroad show that only 15% of a teacher's success depends on his professional qualities, everything else is the ability to work with people, the personal qualities of a teacher. Undoubtedly, the teacher brings knowledge to the children. But no matter how professionally trained the teacher is, he must constantly improve his personal qualities, which largely contribute to success in work.

A teacher who has pleasant manners, and this includes facial expressions, gestures, posture, and communication skills, wins people over. All the manners of the teacher should have one common feature - this is the observance of pedagogical tact, which includes increased sensitivity to others and the ability to find such a form of communication with another person that would allow him to maintain personal dignity. Personal qualities in the teaching profession are inseparable from professional ones. Over time, the level of demands placed on us becomes higher and higher. Today we really must know and be able to do a lot, otherwise we will not be interesting to our students. But we must not forget about moral qualities. And for this it is necessary that our heart, the main pedagogical tool of the teacher, be able to see. A tool for knowing oneself, life, the soul of a child.

The main change in society that affects the situation in the field of education is the acceleration of the pace of development of society. As a result, the school must prepare its students for a life about which the school itself knows little. Children who entered first grade in 2004 will continue to work until around 2060. What the world will be like in the middle of the 21st century is hard to imagine not only for school teachers, but also for futurologists. Therefore, the school must prepare its students for change, developing in them such qualities as mobility, dynamism, and constructiveness. Research in the field of the labor market has led to a formula that can be defined as follows: the transition from a good specialist to a good employee is necessary. It is impossible to achieve a new quality of education (new educational results that meet the needs of the development of society) by increasing the amount of knowledge and even by changing the content of knowledge in individual subjects. It is necessary to use another way - changing the nature of connections and relationships between academic disciplines.

From the standpoint of the competence-based approach, the level of education is determined by the ability to solve problems of varying complexity based on existing knowledge. The competency-based approach does not deny the importance of knowledge, but it focuses on the ability to use the acquired knowledge. The level of education of a person is the higher, the wider the scope of activity and the higher the degree of uncertainty of situations in which he is able to act independently, the wider the range of possible ways of activity he owns, the more thorough the choice of one of these methods.

Today, the teacher should be not only a source of knowledge, but also an active participant in the educational process. To involve each child in the learning process, to be able to listen to him, to make him his assistant, to look through the eyes of the student at the problem that worries him - this is the task of the teacher. Only a teacher who is well versed in the methodology can properly organize pedagogical activities and prepare for the lesson. Now there is a lot of talk about innovations in the educational process. The teachers of our school do not have a single idea of ​​innovation. Not every teacher has comprehended his own teaching, developmental and educational role in the modern pedagogical process. Not every teacher is ready to make the student an equal participant in the pedagogical process. So far, not every teacher has identified for himself the priority tasks of teaching.

The formation and development of creativity and pedagogical skills of teachers does not meet modern requirements. The teacher still considers himself the only source of knowledge. Pupils can get information from the Internet, television, among peers. Today's student is good at computers, understands technology. What about the teacher? He remained alone with the textbook, blackboard and chalk. Although modern society requires the teacher to include all participants in the pedagogical process in the implementation of the task of forming a graduate as a competent person capable of self-realization. The relevance of the problem of preparing a highly qualified, free-thinking, active teacher at the present stage in connection with the resurgent approach to a person as a value in itself is obvious to everyone. It depends on the teacher how interesting and rich the learning process will be.

An information and research center has been created in our school, in which students publish a school newspaper, solve demonstration KIMs of the Unified State Examination and tests in various subjects, and not only graduates, but also students of grades 9-10 are working with KIMs, work is underway on research projects; access to the global network allows you to prepare for extracurricular activities, find material when preparing essays, exchange information with teachers and students from other schools. Teachers using electronic manuals create a bank of media lessons. Computers connected to a local network, the presence of digital projectors, television and audio equipment make it possible to conduct lessons, competitions and other extracurricular activities, testing students with these resources. Students of our school participate in many competitions, projects, festivals. But teachers themselves cannot yet change their attitude to the subject being taught, there are several initiative guys on whom the teacher takes the work of designing and discussing the material. And most of the students remain "overboard" of the problem under study. The teacher cannot puzzle, direct, organize them, because the teacher himself needs to change, he himself must be competent in this or that issue. The task of education is to create conditions for the upbringing and formation of the student's personality, interests and ability to self-determination, the formation of a common culture of the personality of students, their successful socialization in society.

The main role in solving these problems belongs to the teacher. Each teacher determines for his class specific tasks that need to be completed in a particular lesson, usually there are no more than 4-5 of them. Based on the tasks, the work of the teacher in the lesson should be built. It has long been noticed that time is measured not by the sum of years lived, but by the density of the events that filled them. Children absolutely need a store of bright events and impressions - this is a bank for life. A lesson can become such a source of impressions, information and communication - there are so many opportunities for closer, more personal communication between a teacher and his students. The guys should be not just listeners, but active participants, spectators, experts. It is necessary that every student in the class is engaged in some important thing. In the practice of my work, I distinguish several forms of student assessment activities:

1. Public speaking.
2. Independent practical work.
3. Protection of the project.
4. Solving problems using information.
5. Participation in the discussion.

I would like to give a wish to teachers who should adopt a competence approach in teaching:

1. Consider the capabilities of your students.
2. When planning a lesson, do not build castles in the air, proceed from real conditions.
3. Unite students, unite the team.
4. Trust but verify.
5. The final analysis is the result of successful work in the future.

I believe that the effectiveness of the educational process is not possible without the competence of the teacher. The competence of the teacher is the quality of education received by the student, therefore, the competence-based approach has become widespread in modern educational practice.

The teacher must be a creative person, be competent in his field, be able to use information and communication technologies, constantly engage in self-education. I believe that in modern pedagogical practice, in order to achieve effectiveness in the classroom, the teacher must be a facilitator, i.e. enable the student to find ways and solutions to the problem. As a teacher of history, I think and do everything to ensure that my students are knowledgeable, thinking, independent, able to solve their problems at an accessible level for them, and think critically.

Each teacher must constantly improve and "grow" at a high level, then the students will be successful and in demand in modern society.
And in conclusion, I in no way deny the traditional lesson that took place and is taking place at school, but today the school should form people with a new type of thinking, initiative, creative, and competence. And life itself suggests new forms and methods of conducting lessons, you just need to see and comprehend them. A competency-based approach to learning is a natural and real stage in the creation of a new person, a person of the 21st century.

List of used literature:

  1. Algorithm for the transition of an educational institution to a competency-based approach: A practical guide / under. ed. V.V.Maskina - 2nd edition, corrected. and additional - M.ARKTI.2008
  2. Pavlova I.V., Feshchenko T.S., Lebedeva O.I. Competence-based approach to teaching: a methodological guide / M. New textbook. 2008
  3. The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010: Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of February 11, 2002 No. 393 / Teacher's newspaper No. 31, 2002
  4. Competency-Based Approach in Teaching, j-l Teaching history at school No. 8, 2010