“Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.” Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated. Man can be destroyed, but


Man was not created to suffer defeat. Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.

E. Hemingway. The Old Man and the Sea

Time is the strictest judge and the most difficult test of the true value of what a writer has created during his life. E. Hemingway has stood the test of time with honor; his books still excite us and make us worry and think about the problems raised in his work.

For me, E. Hemingway’s story “The Old Man and the Sea” became unforgettable. This book is not only about the old Cuban fisherman Santiago, whom the writer simply calls an old man, and not even about the old man’s fight with a big fish, which he eventually defeated, but was unable to save. This is a book about “a man who does not give up,” about his persistent pursuit of a goal, about the interconnection of everything in the world, about the triumph of life.

For eighty-four days in a row, Santiago went to sea unsuccessfully - he was unable to catch a single fish. The parents of the boy who was helping the old man said that the old man was unlucky and told the boy to fish on another boat. But the old man did not lose heart, did not admit his defeat: “He never lost hope or faith in the future, but now they grew stronger in his heart, as if a fresh wind blew from the sea.”

When the old man went out to sea again, he caught a huge swordfish on his hook. Strong and unwilling to give up, she takes the fisherman's boat far out to sea. The confrontation between the old man and the big fish lasts for three days and three nights, and during this time the wonderful, kind, pure soul of the fisherman, his understanding of the deep mechanisms that drive the world, his organic fusion with nature, manages to reveal itself.

Old man Santiago surprisingly harmoniously combines humility and pride, which came to him with age and life experience. But this humility is not that of a weak person, since it did not bring with it “neither shame nor loss of human dignity,” and his pride is not the pride of an arrogant person. Feeling his freedom and independence, Santiago at the same time understands that he is part of nature. The fish caught on his hook is not just a victim or prey for the old man, it is an equal rival, arousing respect and admiration. The old man constantly talks to her, sometimes addressing her as a friend, sometimes as an enemy, because a huge marlin dragged the boat too far out to sea. The old man has exhausted his strength, he has run out of food and water, his hands are cut by fishing line, but he is not going to give up, because he does not know how to retreat: “Fish,” he called quietly, “I will not part with you until I die.” Endlessly tired, with a hand cramped, the old man does not fall into despair, does not feel irritation or anger, which would be completely understandable in his situation. But the whole point is that Santiago lives in a world where there is harmony in the eternal cycle of nature, where every creature acts in accordance with the laws of nature, with its purpose. Man wants to kill fish to survive, fish wants to defeat man, and even sharks have their place in this world. The old man understands this, and his life wisdom allows him to live in harmony with himself, maintaining calmness and goodwill. He is proud of the strength, power and beauty of his fish, but understands that ultimately only one of them will survive: “Fish, I love and respect you very much. But I will kill you before the evening comes."

The old man managed to defeat the fish, but he was unable to bring it to the shore because they were attacked by sharks. The old man fought off the toothy predators, but they managed to eat almost all the fish tied to the boat. Santiago calmly and with dignity accepts the collapse of his hopes: “Who defeated you, old man? - he asked himself. “Nobody,” he answered. “I just went too far into the sea,” And this calmness is transmitted to us, because the fisherman still emerged victorious in the duel, because he does not feel empty, because he is not alone - he has a friend, a boy.

How I would like to learn from the hero of Hemingway’s story to maintain agreement with myself in any situation and endless faith in victory! And I'm sure this book is a wonderful teacher.

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What philosophical views did Hemingway adhere to? and got the best answer

Answer from Maxim Yu. Volkov[guru]
Hemingway's philosophy using the example of the story-parable “The Old Man and the Sea”.
The story is a parable, in which the author’s philosophy and worldview are extremely clearly and concentratedly expressed: faith in man, his purpose and the strength of his spirit, affirms the need for the brotherhood of people and others. The plot of the story is limited to a few days and one particular case: the old Cuban fisherman Santiago, whose loneliness is brightened only by conversations with the boy Manolin, at the cost of incredible effort, manages to catch a huge fish, but upon returning, his prey is devoured by sharks, and he is left with nothing.
The story of friendship between a small village boy and an old fisherman. Santiago, a strong and proud man who cannot come to terms with the inexorable passage of time, which takes away his physical strength. After all, for many weeks he has been returning from the sea without a catch.
In one of his interviews, Hemingway compared a writer to a well: “And there are as many different writers as there are different wells. The most important thing is that there is always good water in the well, and it is better to draw it sparingly, rather than pumping the well dry and waiting for it to fill up again. Every writer must create something of lasting value and devote all his time to it, even if he spends several hours a day at his desk.”
I would like to paraphrase Hemingway and note that the story “The Old Man and the Sea” has become such an inexhaustible “well”
The hero is an individual person; he grows up to be a symbol of a person who resists harsh fate.
The fisherman Santiago defeated the fish, and with it old age and heartache. He won because he thought not about his failure and not about himself, but about this fish that he was hurting, about the stars and lions that he saw when the cabin boy sailed on a sailboat to the shores of Africa; about your difficult life. He won because he saw the meaning of life in struggle, knew how to endure suffering and not lose hope.
It can be argued that a person who sees his life’s calling in his work has become a hero. Old man Santiago says about himself that he was born into the world in order to fish.
The whole story of how the old man manages to catch a huge fish, how he wages a long, exhausting fight with it, how he defeats it, but, in turn, is defeated in the fight against the sharks that eat his prey, is written with the greatest knowledge of the dangerous and the difficult profession of a fisherman.
The sea appears in the story as a living creature. “Other fishermen, younger ones, talked about the sea as about space, as about a rival, sometimes even as an enemy. The old man constantly thought about the sea as about a woman who gives great favors or denies them, and even if she allows herself rash or unkind deeds - what can you do, such is her nature.”
His fight with the fish takes on a symbolic meaning, becoming a symbol of human labor, human efforts in general. The old man talks to her as to an equal being. Santiago is so organically fused with nature that even the stars seem to him to be living beings.
The courage of an old man as a symbol is extremely natural. The old man knows that courage and perseverance are indispensable qualities of people in his profession, he proves this to himself thousands of times. He has to prove it over and over again.
The main motive in the story “The Old Man and the Sea” develops tragically - the Old Man, in essence, is defeated in an unequal battle with sharks and loses his prey, which he got at such a high price - but there is no feeling of hopelessness and doom left. The tragedy of the story is at the same time optimistic. The old man says the words that embody the main idea of ​​the story: “Man was not created to suffer defeat. Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.” Now this is not a question of the professional honor of an athlete, but a problem of Human dignity.
Old man Santiago, choosing the path of greatest resistance in everything, tested himself “for strength,” sometimes risking his life not for the thrill, but because a meaningful risk, as he believed, befits a real man.

Answer from Jehovah[guru]
Cowardice is worse than war.
In general, he became a genius of realism, here it is:
Not only the answers become outdated, but also the questions.
Good prose is like an iceberg, seven-eighths of which is hidden under water.
What stops a writer? Booze, women, money and ambition. And also the lack of booze, women, money and ambition.
Every person is born for some kind of work.
All American literature came from Huckleberry Finn.
A person alone cannot... All the same, a person alone cannot do a damn thing.
There are fifty years of undeclared wars ahead, and I signed a treaty for the entire period.
Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.
The world is a good place and worth fighting for...

Subject"Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated."
Literary works used in argumentation:
- story by Boris Vasiliev " And the dawns here are quiet";
- Boris Polevoy " A story about a real person".


What is destruction? First of all, destruction is destruction. The destruction of the physical shell or the destruction of important properties - all this imposes restrictions. But destruction is not synonymous with defeat. A person can be destroyed, maimed, wounded, but if his spirit is not broken, then he has already emerged victorious from the battle.


A good example of such a situation can be the heroes of Boris Vasiliev’s work “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet.” When I think about the “destruction” of a person, Galya Chetvertak immediately comes to mind. Broken by Sonya's death, Galya lost everything: the will to win and the desire to live. All she remembered was the imprint of death on the face of her dead friend. Physical destruction was soon added to the moral destruction: having finally “broken,” Galya herself threw herself under the bullets. But there was also a person in this story who could not be destroyed. Fedot Evgrafych, the foreman, personally led five girls to certain death. He buried many of them with his own hands and watched with his own eyes how the blood of recently living, mischievous girls flowed across the earth. And he was even wounded. The bullet went through a vein in his arm, but he still went to victory. Clinging to a thin web of consciousness, he led the captured Germans away from that damned place. And only then did he allow himself to fall when he realized that his own people were coming towards him - the Russians. The war did not break Fedot Evgrafych. He fulfilled Rita's last request and emerged victorious from this battle.
The hero described by Boris Polevoy in the “story about a real man” is undoubtedly the very person who cannot be defeated. Alexey Meresyev, the hero of the story, was seriously wounded. After falling from a plane, he severely injured both legs. Wounded and crippled Alexei, who found himself thirty-five kilometers from the front line, made a decision. He was determined to survive. For eighteen days he crawled towards his people. But in the hospital he was dealt another “blow”: the amputation of both legs. And Alexey retreated into himself. However, even then Alexey did not break down. He fought the disease as best he could. Working out his limbs, wandering through the corridors in uncomfortable prosthetics, he still won. First he started walking, then dancing, and then he returned to aviation altogether. Alexey Meresyev did not lose the war, because it is impossible to defeat a real person.


Based on what is written above, we can conclude: no matter what trials life throws at you, if a person’s spirit is strong. Then he will overcome all the obstacles that come his way. A person can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.

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On Hemingway’s grave it is written: “More than anything in his life, he loved autumn. Yellow warm autumn leaves floating along the river on the backs of trouts, and above there is a blue windless sky. Now he will be a part of this forever."

website recalls the wise quotes of the Pope - this is what Hemingway was called by his sons, lovers and grateful fans from all over the world.

  1. Do not lose hope. Never lose heart. The secret of my success. I never lose heart. I never lose heart in public.
  2. While sober, make all your drunken promises come true - this will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
  3. Travel only with those you love.
  4. If you can provide even a small service in life, you shouldn’t shy away from it.
  5. Don't judge a person just by his friends. Remember that Judas had perfect friends.
  6. Look at pictures with an open mind, read books honestly and live as you live.
  7. The best way to know if you can trust someone is to trust them.
  8. You need to buy either clothes or paintings. That's all. Nobody except very rich people can afford both. Don’t attach much importance to clothes, and most importantly, don’t chase fashion, buy durable and comfortable things, and then you’ll have money left over for paintings.
  9. Of all the animals, only man knows how to laugh, although he has the least reason for this.
  10. All people are divided into two categories: those with whom it is easy, and just as easy without them, and those with whom it is difficult, but impossible without them.
  11. An intelligent person sometimes gets drunk in order to spend time with his stupidity.
  12. If you make jokes, people won't take you seriously. And these same people don’t understand that there is a lot that cannot be endured without joking.
  13. Man was not created to suffer defeat. Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.
  14. Smart people are extremely rarely happy.
  15. Truly brave people have no reason to fight a duel, but many cowards do this all the time to convince themselves of their own bravery.
  16. A person alone cannot... All the same, a person alone cannot do a damn thing.
  17. The most important gift for a writer is a built-in shockproof crap detector.
  18. All good books are alike: they are truer to life.
  19. What stops a writer? Booze, women, money and ambition. And also the lack of booze, women, money and ambition.
  20. What a writer wants to say, he should not say, but write.
  21. Write drunk, edit sober.
  22. We become stronger where we break.
  23. Happiness is good health and weak memory.
  24. He who flaunts erudition or learning has neither one nor the other.
  25. It is better to have no ideology than not to have a job.
  26. I don't care what the world is. All I want to know is how to live in it. Perhaps, if you figure out how to live in it, you will understand what it is like.
  27. There are things worse than war: cowardice is worse, betrayal is worse, selfishness is worse.
  28. It's not that hard to get settled in life when you have nothing to lose.
  29. He who wins a war will never stop fighting.
  30. There are so many women in the world to sleep with, and so few women to talk to.
  31. There can be nothing ashamed in what gives happiness and pride.
  32. The world is a good place and worth fighting for, and I really don't want to leave it.

Slavic folk culture has left a huge heritage, most of which has not been studied, which means that it is gradually being lost. And in order not to completely lose what our ancestors left us, we need to more often turn to folk customs, traditions, mythology and study them. It is important to help unite all cultural wealth and bring it to our people. After all, without knowing the past, you have no future!

“Rus will wake up, remember its Gods, and then such a swing will go throughout the world...”
F.M. Dostoevsky.

We are the Rus - the grandchildren of Dazhdbozhia, the great-grandchildren of Veles and Perun - the Slavs - the descendants of Dazhdbog, who gave birth to us through the cosmic cow Zemun and God Rod.

And in each of us lives a divine particle of our great ancestors, warriors and winners.
We must open our Mind to understand this truth, and strengthen our Spirit for the fight, we must take the path of Victory, the return of our national traditions and glory!

“Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.”
Ernest Hemingway.

“But his science is not strong against the time of the law...”
A. S. Pushkin.

“Nothing happens by chance in politics. If something happened, it was planned that way.”

US President Franklin Roosevelt.

“Many things are incomprehensible to us, not because our concepts are weak, but because these things are not included in the range of our concepts.”
Kozma Prutkov.

“History should not exceed the limits of truth, and for honest actions one truth is enough.”
Cicero Marcus Tullius.

It should be noted that the modern official history of mankind is not only completely distorted, but there are also taboo topics in history. The ancient history of mankind, which covers many thousands of years, remains to this day, in essence, “terra incognita” (an unknown area of ​​​​knowledge). In textbooks, the entire period before the advent of writing easily fits into just a few pages. There it appears in the form of a fairly clear and consistent picture, formed on the basis of fragmentary archaeological data in strict accordance with the only paradigm of the formation and development of mankind dominant in academic science.

However, to date, a huge number of archaeological facts have accumulated that, in the literal sense of the word, “do not fit into any framework” of the official paradigm. Academic science continues to ignore both the existence of such artifacts themselves and the presence of hypotheses and theories that run counter to the “official” point of view. Any methods are used: “inconvenient” artifacts are declared “fake”; a “wall of silence” is erected around them, which actively prevents the dissemination of any information about the very presence of these artifacts; alternative hypotheses and theories are obstructed and forcibly alienated from scientific publications and conferences, and both the doors of academic institutions and the possibilities of a scientific career are closed to researchers who dare to adhere to hypotheses and theories outside the framework of the dominant paradigm. As a result, the study of such “inconvenient” artifacts is completely deprived of the opportunity to use the research base available to academic science, and is forced to be carried out only by individual enthusiasts.

Despite all the obstacles, researchers have already managed to collect so many facts that they are abundantly enough to create a completely different picture of the past of humanity and we can begin to talk about the true origins of world civilization. Under these conditions, breaking the “information blockade” can provide an incentive to the development of not only alternative views, but also academic science itself. On the other hand, it is the secrecy of such information that is the reason for the significant interest of the general public in “strange” facts and alternative versions of history.

The facts that have emerged make it possible to document the study of materials based on: expeditions to different regions of the planet with the involvement of a wide range of specialists; analysis of artifacts preserved from ancient times from the standpoint of the most modern scientific knowledge, but without being limited to just one version; extensive coverage of various hypotheses explaining these ancient artifacts.

Totalitarian ideologies are currently doing a great job of compromising themselves, and we just need to not interfere with them in this. History has always suffered from distortions to suit the political situation. “Who controls the past controls the future,” this statement of Orwell is true not only for totalitarian regimes (George Orwell, real name - Eric Arthur Blair, 1903-1950 - English writer and publicist, best known as the author of the dystopian cult novel " 1984" and the story "Animal Farm").

At all times, preachers have distorted history to prove the truth of their religion, rulers - for their political purposes, ideologists of the so-called “chosen people” - to prove their greater antiquity, etc. But there is historical evidence over which no authority has control. These are ancient artifacts that no one knows about yet, and which are waiting in the wings to be dug up by archaeologists, as well as myths and legends passed down from generation to generation. Moreover, oral traditions have some advantage in this regard over written ones, since they cannot be “corrected” by order of the authorities. So those who want to “control the past” have to take them into account and act in a roundabout way: invent theories that mythology is just a figment of the primitive imagination of ancient people. But the discoveries of archaeologists increasingly refute the opinion that ancient myths are fiction, as was believed in the century before last, or a reflection of the human psyche, as was thought in the past.

The German archaeologist G. Schliemann, rejecting the generally accepted opinion about the complete fantasticness of ancient Greek mythology, rushed in search of the “mythical” gold of Troy (Johann Ludwig Heinrich Julius Schliemann, 1822-1890, a German entrepreneur and amateur archaeologist, famous for his finds in Asia Minor, on the site of ancient Homeric Troy). And I found it! For a long time afterwards, historians disputed that Schliemann had found precisely the “mythological” Troy... But in the end they came to terms with it and recognized the fact. True, they left aside the explanation of the discrepancy between theory and facts. Just think, it’s a curiosity... Is it worth breaking such a beautiful theory because of it... However, doubts were sown, and Schliemann found followers. It was then that “curiosities” rained down one after another. The past 20th century was marked by discoveries that forced the scientific world to admit: the ruins of ancient Babylon were excavated; artifacts have been found confirming the existence of peoples who were considered to not really exist, and the position of the collapsed walls of the found Jericho still makes scientists scratch their heads...

But in this case, what should we do with those heroes of myths whose strength and abilities seem clearly fantastic to us now? Only in order to see behind ancient mythology not a complete fiction, but a completely logically harmonious and consistent reflection of reality, you need to take another “small” step: you need to admit the possibility of the existence of more developed civilizations and their contacts with our ancient ancestors. And traces of the existence of such more developed civilizations on Earth are found not only in myths and legends.

Many ancient structures have reached us, the construction of which would have been a problem even for the modern level of construction technology. First of all, these are the Egyptian pyramids and megalithic buildings of the Incan cities*.

Where the Nile Valley gives way to the Libyan Desert, where green fields and groves of date palms are replaced by hot sands, the outlines of amazing triangles similar to mountains are visible. Their chain stretches for tens of kilometers from Cairo to the Fayum oasis. But the correctness of the form of each of them makes us understand that no matter how skillful nature is in creating its miracles, these buildings are the creation of human hands. In total, there are about a hundred pyramids in Egypt - large and small, stepped and perfectly smooth. They are located along the banks of the Nile near the ancient capital of the country, which in the era of the Old Kingdom was called Memphis. But Egypt's most famous pyramids are located on the edge of the desert Giza plateau on the outskirts of Cairo. The largest of them is the pyramid of Cheops, the second pharaoh of the IV dynasty. To this day it remains the largest architectural creation of human hands.

The amazing, mysterious and amazing heritage of the Incas - Machu Picchu ("old peak") - is located high in the mountains in Peru. This ancient city rises at an altitude of 2500 meters above sea level, above the valley of the fast Urubamba River. Machu Picchu is located 69.2 km northwest of the ancient capital of the Inca Empire, Cusco. It is surrounded on all sides by mountains: Huayana Picchu and El Mandor.

The assumption of historians that they were built using primitive tools made of wood, stone and copper (the ancient Egyptians of the times to which the official version dates the construction of the pyramids did not even know bronze) is not confirmed by the facts: “In 1978, a group of Japanese researchers tried to build a small pyramid, using the same methods and tools that, according to the official version, were used by the ancient Egyptians. The construction process was filmed. However, the sensational film did not turn out. To build a pyramid just 11 meters high, Japanese researchers soon had to abandon hand levers, ropes and inclined planes and turn to modern cranes, bulldozers and winches for help. They honestly described the results of their research in a book with an expressive title - “How the Pyramid Was Not Built.” Adherents of the official version even made attempts to experimentally demonstrate the possibility of transportation using primitive methods: on round logs or stones. However, this was done for blocks weighing only a few tons. The transition to moving stones weighing hundreds of tons does not at all come down to a simple arithmetic increase in the number of “draft workers in a harness”, but requires qualitatively different technologies and techniques (which, however, is clear to almost any competent specialist in this field). In addition, even with such a small weight of the load, the experimenters never went all the way from start to finish.

At the same time, there is evidence from Garcilaso dela Vega, who describes the unsuccessful attempt of the Incas themselves (Inca Garcilaso dela Vega, 1539-1616, Peruvian historian, author of the book “History of the Inca State”). According to his testimony, one of the Incan emperors gathered 20 thousand people and ordered them to lift one of the “tired stones” up the mountain. The experiment ended in tragedy - a huge block fell off, and thousands of Indians died. Taken together, the results of the examination of the possibility of transporting blocks by the Incas using primitive methods should be considered rather refuting than confirming the officially accepted version.

Some peoples store and transmit through their culture and mythology knowledge that they themselves could not obtain from their practical experience: The map of Oronteus Finius allows us to date the civilization of the compilers of the prototype map to the end of the last ice age...

It actually depicts the ice-free shores of Antarctica, namely Queen Maud Land, Enderby Land, Wilkes Land, Victoria Land (the eastern shore of the Ross Sea) and Mary Byrd Land. Antarctica (the opposite of the Arctic) is a continent located in the very south of the Earth; the center of Antarctica approximately coincides with the southern geographic pole. The general outlines and characteristic features of the relief are very close to seismic data on the surface of Antarctica hidden under the ice. Despite the fact that this continent is indicated on the map, Antarctica itself was officially discovered only on January 16 (28), 1820 by a Russian expedition led by Mikhail Lazarev*.

Antarctica is washed by the waters of the Southern Ocean. The area of ​​the continent is about 14,107,000 square km (of which ice shelves - 930,000 square km, islands - 75,500 square km). Antarctica is also called the part of the world consisting of the mainland of Antarctica and adjacent islands. Antarctica was officially discovered on January 16 (28), 1820 by a Russian expedition led by Mikhail Lazarev (Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev, 1788-1851 Russian naval commander and navigator, admiral, commander of the Black Sea Fleet and discoverer of Antarctica, brother of Vice Admiral Andrei Petrovich Lazarev) and Thaddeus Bellingshausen (Thaddeus Faddeevich Bellingshausen, born Fabian Gottlieb Thaddeus von Bellingshausen, 1778-1852, Russian navigator of German origin, discoverer of Antarctica), The earlier existence of the southern continent (lat. Terra Australis) was asserted hypothetically, it was often combined with South America (for example, on the map compiled by Piri Reis in 1513) and Australia (named after the “southern continent”). However, it was the expedition of Lazarev and Bellingshausen in the south polar seas, circumnavigating the Antarctic ice around the world, that confirmed the existence of a sixth continent.

It should be noted that when comparing maps of the southern and northern hemispheres, taking into account the forecast of the end of the last ice age, one can find that they have great similarities in the location of many geographical objects.

It is known that the continent on which our ancestors chose the place to settle on Midgard-Earth was named by star travelers Daariya - Gift of the Gods. This continent was located at the North Pole of the Earth. Various authors call this country Arctida, Hyperborea*, etc. And, having searched on these old maps for views depicting a sunken continent (more precisely, islands), it became clear that this was not an isolated case and, most likely, Arctida (Hyperborea) was located there.

Hyperborea is a legendary northern country, the habitat of the blessed Hyperborean people. The name literally means “beyond Boreas”, “beyond the north”. Boreas (Greek “northern”) - in Greek mythology the personification of the northern stormy wind, mentioned in the Iliad and Odyssey. It seems that it is unlikely that the People of Arctida will call their country “Beyond the North Wind.” In addition, such a name could only be given by those people who did not know the true name of Arctida and were located below the northern latitudes, which are the Greeks. Hyperborea is just an indication of location (for example, the Greeks could call Egypt “Beyond the Mediterranean Sea”). So what was the name of that country located in the Arctic? In those days, it was quite warm at the North Pole and there was no Arctic Ocean then. This means there was one big Atlantic Ocean. Daaria - Gift of the Gods!

However, there are materials that talk about the displacement of the poles, so Arctida (Hyperborea) cannot be located exactly in the place where it is located on the above-mentioned maps. In view of the fact that, for example, Mercator did not know about the ancient catastrophe and used early maps, he simply transferred the image as is, and it is mentioned that next to Arctida (Hyperborea) there is no Greenland, but the Labrador Peninsula (a peninsula in eastern Canada ), mistakenly taken by a cartographer to be the largest island. However, if you take a relief map of the bottom of the Arctic Ocean and, in a graphic editor, fit a Mercator map to it, according to parallels and meridians, applying it as a second layer, then the similarity of the relief is quite noticeable! Of course, there can be no talk of any 100 percent similarity, since you yourself understand that a continent cannot sink evenly under water, in any case. There will be more immersion in some places, less in others. On the Mercator map of 1595, on a larger yellow island, divided into two, we clearly read Nova Zemla, next to it there is a group of small islands. From top to bottom, four islands in a row - this is also Novaya Zemlya, but as it was when the map of Hyperborea was drawn up, when it had not yet gone under water. Here, simply, there was an overlap of two maps: the ancient map of Hyperborea with the adjacent islands and the map of Mercator’s time. Gerald Mercator reasoned like us - everything that is older than his time is not accurate. At that time, the archipelago was discovered, but not sufficiently explored, so Mercator placed it at the discovery site, and moved the islands from the older map, because he assumed that these islands had not yet been discovered. Near the archipelago, from the time of Mercator, there is a small island - this is also part of Novaya Zemlya, from the time of Hyperborea. It is enough to combine the Scandinavian peninsula and everything will become clear. To the left of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, on the map of 1595, there is a medium-sized red island. To find it at the bottom, you don’t need to move anything; it is located exactly in its place. Below this island there is one larger island and two small ones. Of course, errors are possible, but the approach itself is correct, and you can try to find their more accurate location using system analysis. It is also important to take into account that, firstly, since that time the island has gone under water and the bottom has changed, and secondly, Mercator could have displaced them. And this location corresponds to the time of the existence of Hyperborea, since in 1600 (according to reconstruction) the magnetic pole was in a completely different place. In addition, for the first time the location of the north magnetic pole was discovered in 1831. I would also like to add that if it is possible (at least approximately) to calculate the time corresponding to the location of the Mercator magnetic pole, then you can find out the time when the original source map was drawn .

It should also be noted that modern achievements of science and technology can shed light on many different hypotheses, including those related to the ocean, seabed, icing, floods, etc. These modern capabilities include the following: remote methods for measuring the parameters of hydrophysical fields of the surface layer of the ocean using space and aviation-based means; processing of satellite oceanological information; technologies for conducting oceanological research using drifter and autonomous buoy stations equipped with remote data reading channels; conducting research using ship-based towed and sounding, as well as autonomous oceanological measuring systems and new generation instruments; methodological technical aspects of conducting experimental research in the ocean using autonomous bottom stations and observatories; methods and means of geological and geophysical sounding of the bottom surface and sedimentary strata of ocean waters; technologies for integrating methods and means of oceanological research when conducting environmental research; results of the development and operation of manned and uninhabited (towed and autonomous) underwater vehicles, diving systems and underwater technical equipment; diagnostics and forecast of the hydrological state of the ocean basin using a multi-component system for collecting experimental data, as well as numerical models of macro-scale hydrophysical processes and many others. The use of such technical and technological means today could clarify a lot, but... The problem is one thing - desire and political will.

The Dogon report about Sirius-B might seem like nothing more than a beautiful myth, if not for one very important circumstance.

The Dogon are a people in the southeast of Mali - a landlocked state in West Africa, "pagans". It borders on the west with Senegal, on the north on Mauritania and Algeria, on the east on Niger, on the southeast on Burkina Faso, on the south on Cote d’Ivoire and Guinea. The Dogon live compactly or mixed with the Fulbe in the inaccessible area around the Bandiagara ledge, on the adjacent plateau and Seno plain, as well as in several border villages of Burkina Faso. The fact is that Sirius-B is a star invisible to the naked eye, which was discovered only in the second half of the 19th century. In addition, the Dogon claimed that the “po-tolo” was so heavy “that all people taken together could not lift a small piece of it.” Modern science has established that one cubic centimeter of Sirius-B weighs approximately 50 tons! But that's not all. The Dogon claimed that in the Sirius* system there is another invisible star, “emme-ya-tolo” - in modern science this is the hypothetical Sirius-C, the existence of which still causes heated debate among astronomers.

*Sirius (lat. Sirius), also Canis Major (lat. Canis Majoris) is the brightest star in the night sky. Sirius can be observed from any region of the Earth, with the exception of its northernmost regions. Sirius is 8.6 sut distant. years from the Solar System and is one of the stars closest to us. It is a main sequence star of spectral type A1. In 1844, F. Bessel suggested that Sirius is a double star. In 1862, A. Clark discovered a companion star, called Sirius B (here the Latin letter B, since the components of stars are named in capital Latin letters; in common parlance this star is often called Sirius B). The visible star is sometimes called Sirius A. The two stars orbit a common center of mass at a distance of about 20 AU. e. (AU - astronomical unit - a historically established unit of measurement of distances in astronomy, approximately equal to the average distance from the Earth to the Sun) with a rotation period close to 50 years. In 1915, astronomers at Mount Wilson Observatory determined that Sirius B was a white dwarf (the first white dwarf to be discovered). Interestingly, this implies that Sirius B must have been much more massive than Sirius A in the past, since it had already left the main sequence in the process of evolution. The age of Sirius, according to modern research, is approximately 230 million years (estimates vary from 200 to 300 million years). Initially, Sirius consisted of two powerful blue stars of spectral class A. The mass of one component was 5 solar masses, the second - 2 solar masses (Sirius B and Sirius A). Then the more powerful and massive component Sirius B burned out and became a white dwarf. Now the mass of Sirius A is approximately twice the mass of the Sun, Sirius B is slightly less than the mass of the Sun.

The Dogon myths also contain other information about the cosmos that is striking in its accuracy, which has been passed down orally from generation to generation since ancient times, since the Dogon do not have a written language, and they live, in fact, back in the Stone Age. Thus, the Dogon know some of the satellites of Jupiter, discovered by Europeans only with the help of a telescope, which the Dogon do not have to this day. The Dogon people call Alpha Southern Cross the “Double Eye of the World,” but only through a telescope can one see that this star is indeed a double star. The Dogon also know about the famous rings of Saturn, invisible to the naked eye, which they depict as two concentric circles. Moreover, the Dogon talk about the spiral structure of the stellar worlds, which modern science became aware of relatively recently, again thanks to telescopic observations.

Reasoning about the prehistoric life of mankind is always like a mosaic. The picture put together from pieces by archaeologists and paleospecialists can change in an instant, and scientists have to think about the painful problem of rewriting history, since there are plenty of similar facts and scientific evidence. Therefore, discussions on the topic of science and technology of ancient civilizations should be built on two theses: everything was already created in the past and is being recreated again. The history of ancient civilizations was created not by the hands of semi-savage people, but by specialists with the highest level of intelligence. The so-called “primitive culture” is not the formation of our civilization, but the decline of the previous one. Once upon a time it experienced incredible prosperity, but evidence of this is hidden from us in the earth's thickness or encrypted in myths.

Not all objects discovered during excavations are correctly attributed, and it is not always possible to accurately determine the age of artifacts. Only one thing is clear, that this is hoary antiquity, all these golden models of jet aircraft and celestial chariots in the legends of the ancient Rus about the Vimanas and Whitemaras, as well as the Indians - Vimanas, stone observatory temples and legends about their giant builders, who moved the monoliths around with spells. air, spark plugs for unknown engines and tales about the flights of Baba Yaga, “perpetual calendars” of ancient Indians, frescoes with images of light bulbs in ancient Egyptian temples, architectural complexes built around the world using the most complex astrophysical data, information about the density of matter of the satellites of Sirius and drawings by “illiterate Indians” depicting neurosurgery performed thousands of years ago.

With the most advanced technology of the late 20th century and early 21st century, American super cranes barely erected two ancient Egyptian obelisks, which the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt once transported by the dozen. Multi-ton stone blocks were adjusted to each other with an accuracy of hundredths of a centimeter. But even today in popular literature one can still find statements that the ancients had only ropes, the manual power of slaves, wooden rollers and copper saws, suitable only for cutting cardboard, and not stone squares.

There are legends in the mythology of different nations that in ancient times builders joined hands and, to the beat of drums, began to dance in a circle around, for example, a huge stone, loudly singing ritual songs. The intense mental efforts of many people, combined with the energy of sound pulsations, lifted the heavy block and lowered it in the right place. Over time, special ringing gongs were invented, tuned to a specific tone. It is possible that “sound levitation” - the ability to move heavy objects using sound and human psychic energy - survived until later times. On clay tablets of the ancient Sumerians, for example, historians read that sound was capable of lifting stones. Today, in the village of Shivapur in western India, everyone is invited to participate in lifting a granite block weighing 70 kilograms. Eleven people line up around the stone and touch it with the index fingers of their right hands. They begin to loudly chant the name of the dervish Kamara-Ali (the patron saint of the nearby mosque), and the block slowly rises into the air...

Scientists often write about ancient civilizations and their level of development, believing that modern civilization is the only technically possible one. Meanwhile, here is the recent past: Spain of the 12th century. Moorish scientists in Cordoba and Grenada left manuscripts (and perhaps these were copies of works from the Library of Alexandria - a storehouse of wisdom from the old era) with diagrams of military missiles and jet engines, with the results of chemical research and scientific calculations worthy of the 21st century. Today Spain, if it had continued to develop scientifically and technically at the same pace, would have colonized the planets of the solar system if necessary, but religious Judeo-Christian fanaticism in alliance with the plague destroyed the “Empire of Almanzor”.

Since 1936, in the National Baghdad Museum of Iraq there has been a terracotta vase 18 cm high with a small copper glass with a diameter of 25 mm and a height of 9 cm. It contained an oxidized iron rod that did not touch the bottom and the remains of bitumen with lead. The German archaeologist Wilhelm Koenig, who found the vase, being also an engineer by profession, immediately expressed his opinion about the electric batteries of the Sumerians more than one and a half thousand years ago. But until the mid-20th century, museum workers used the term “cult objects” until they looked inside the vase. The design turned out to be identical to the battery Luigi Galvani invented 15 centuries later. In 1957, an employee of the American General Electric laboratory made an exact copy of the vase, poured electrolyte into it and connected a light bulb - the battery gave a current of half a volt. The curator of the London Science Museum, Walter Winston, made the rediscovery in 1962, without initially doubting that he was seeing a Sumerian galvanic cell. “Tell any physicist that electric current was used 15 centuries before Galvani and his frog legs, and the answer will be “nonsense,” “ridiculous idea,” and “impossible.”

Similar finds (several more vessels of smaller sizes, empty and with rods) from Seleucia from the banks of the Tigris River immediately received designations and became attributed. And it immediately became clear why there are no traces of soot from torches in the Sumerian step temples and Egyptian pyramids. Long before Galvani, people had already invented electricity more than once. The German engineer Winkler reconstructed similar battery vases and poured electrolyte into them in the form of copper sulfate, obtaining a low-power but glow. Egyptologist Arne Eggelbrecht poured wine vinegar and connected a voltmeter, which consistently showed a voltage of half a volt for several days, and when several vessels were connected (they were also found more than once in Egypt), a more powerful voltage was obtained. But the Egyptologist wanted to understand how the Egyptians gilded silver figurines. He created a salt solution of gold and immersed a silver figurine in it, connected 10 electric vases and connected the entire structure to a galvanic bath. A few hours later, he pulled out an identical figurine and realized how the ancient Egyptians used batteries to apply a thin gold coating to metal objects.

In the early 1980s, Reinhard Habeck was working at the Temple of Hathor in the Egyptian city of Dendera* and discovered several images of pear-shaped objects with wavy lines inside them.

The construction of the temple lasted in Dendera for more than 100 years, until the first years of the new era. The city of Dendera is now just a village, although at one time it was the capital of the 6th nome of Upper Egypt. His patron goddess was Hathor, whom the Greeks mistakenly likened to Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. At the entrance to and inside the large temple there are columns supporting the roof; they are engraved with images of the goddess Hathor. Unfortunately they were damaged. The ceilings are covered with paintings on astronomical themes.

Hathor, or Hathor (“house of Horus”, that is, “sky”) - in Egyptian mythology, the goddess of the sky, love, femininity and beauty, as well as the wife of Horus. Originally considered the daughter of Ra. In ancient times, Hathor was revered as the celestial cow who gave birth to the Sun. In fact, she was the personification of the Milky Way, which the ancient Egyptians imagined as the milk of a celestial cow. Hathor has been revered in the form of a celestial cow carrying Ra since the time of the Second Dynasty, although a number of evidence indicates that this cult already existed under the Scorpio King. From here followed the subsequent tradition of depicting her in the image of an attractive woman with horns (later turned into a kind of crown) and sometimes the ears of a cow, but in some areas the goddess retained the appearance of a cow.

Habek considered the images of pear-shaped objects on the walls of the temple to be light bulbs with incandescent filaments. The pointed tails of the “snakes” are stuck into the cups of the lotus - lamp sockets, and through a cable the lamp is connected to the tank through the “djed” and the deity, even while being in a position of respect - on his knees. It is not surprising that Pythagoras, having visited one of the Egyptian pyramids in ancient times, spoke of the lighting of its internal chambers as follows: “a gentle light, suitable for reading and thinking” (book “The Journey of Pythagoras”).

18 km from the Uzbek city of Navoi, and 40 km from the city of Fergana, images of a light bulb and a mysterious anthropomorphic creature in it were also found. There are rays of light all around and little men riding on wolves support the entire structure. But what is surprising is not that sacrifices are made to the light bulb, and even while on their knees, but the use of gas masks and mysterious “rudders”, as in the oil fields.

The curator of the London Science Museum, Walter Winston, believed: “I am sure that the capabilities of ancient people are underestimated. Probably, the very idea of ​​​​the improbability of this has simply taken root in the minds of non-believers, and arrogant pride in modern scientific achievements prevents us from believing that the effect of electric current could have been known to our ancestors more than two thousand years ago.”

When studying this problem, a logical question arises: is the discovery of antiquities necessary for the modern world?

Peruvian scientist Daniel Ruso in 1952 went to the Andes to study the desert plateau of Marcahuasi at an altitude of 4 km. Marcahuasi is located 80 km from the capital, Lima, but, nevertheless, none of the scientists visited this deserted place in the mountains with a harsh climate. The high plateaus of Bolivia and Peru resemble another planet. The air pressure is half that at sea level, and yet people live there. Their settlements rise to an altitude of 3500 m. They have two liters more blood than us, instead of five million blood cells - eight, their heart beats slower. The scientist became interested in the Peruvian legend, which he heard back in the 30s. The legend told of the Valley of Living Rocks, which was enchanted by one of the Inca emperors, Tupac Yupanque, who was trying to conquer one of the mountain tribes that opposed his army. The Inca turned the inhabitants of the Valley into rocks that sometimes come to life. The Spanish conquistadors tried to see these lands, but no one knew where to look for such a valley. Information from the chronicles of the conquistadors became a guiding star for Daniel Ruso until he ended up in Marcahuasi. In the Quechua language the name meant “house with two floors.” And the explorer was the first to find roads and a fortress, 12 reservoirs and the ruins of the city. During the frequent earthquakes in the Andes, the structures of the ancient cities were never damaged, while many buildings erected at a later time using modern construction technology were destroyed. It turned out that each block of these ancient structures fits with its neighbors like pieces of a puzzle picture, forming an inseparable connection. How it was built remains a mystery. The image of the Egyptian goddess Taurt (in Egyptian mythology, the goddess and patroness of women and children) and the sculpture of an “astronaut contemplating the sky” were amazing.

The scientist discovered a stone zoo - giant statues of prehistoric animals, such as a stegosaurus and camels, elephants, lions, turtles and bulls, not quite familiar to America. The sculptures were carved from hard stone - diorite porphyrite. Over the past millennia, a sulfurous oxide film has formed on the surface of the stones - natural evidence and a sure sign of extreme antiquity. What do we know about the civilizations of that era? Nothing. We have barely begun to understand the depth and vastness of the culture of Sumer, and this is only 4 thousand BC. On the day of the summer solstice, D. Ruso made a striking discovery: thanks to the special play of chiaroscuro on this day, he saw and captured human faces on film - portraits on the rocks demonstrated the coexistence of different races - Negroids, Caucasoids, Egyptoids. An excellent knowledge of perspective and optics distinguished the ancient artists of Marcahuasi: something was better visible at noon, another in the evening, and still another at sunrise. The arches of the eyebrows suddenly began to cast a shadow and, as if the eyes of the sculptures were opening, a ray of sun fell through the slit and gave birth to the appearance of the pupil. The negatives also revealed something that was beyond the reach of the ordinary human eye - a radiance emanating from the portrait of a certain young man. There were no organic remains on the lifeless rocky plateau - no embers from an extinct fire, no burials, no tree trunks, and the then only radiocarbon dating method, created by the American physical chemist Willard Libby in 1956, did not work. But the Peruvian researcher was convinced that the Marcahuasi plateau served as the cradle of the ancient Andean civilization, which he conventionally designated as MASMA. In his articles of 1956-1959 for the journal of the Parisian ethnographic society, Rouso tried to reconstruct the appearance of MASMA. Daniel Ruso made a film about the Marcahuasi stone zoo and began giving lectures at the Sorbonne and universities in America, calling for research into the find. He challenged orthodox scientists who called the giant animal figures “the result of rock weathering,” “a play of nature,” and “the peculiarities of lighting.” None of the opponents wanted to go to Peru for the sake of a dozen rock monuments, but they also did not believe the film and photographic documents. 30 years later, no one remembered about Marcahuasi and this fact from the history of ancient Peruvian culture did not even make it into the texts of university lecture courses in the West, not to mention our country, where the discoveries of Russian and foreign scientists do not immediately become the property of society, including and about the field of education. Did the world need this discovery? But it is far from unique. This is a whole list, starting from the end of the 19th century, when the world learned about the Altamira cave with Paleolithic frescoes, about the megalithic temples of Malta in the Mediterranean, about the geoglyphs of the Nazca plateau, stones with drawings from the Peruvian city of Ica, about the grottoes in the famous pyramid of the city of Teotihuacan in America, observatories with traces of Ogham writing on the Kola Peninsula...

All this forced a few scientists to revise the historical and cultural concept of human progress. Even the Spanish conquistadors, having arrived in America with goals of conquest, recognized that the level of Aztec civilization was no lower than the European one. Today we already know that the origins of the Aztec culture originate in the Toltec civilization, who built pyramids in America that were more massive than the Egyptian ones! But the Toltecs themselves, as it turns out, learned from the Mayan people, who were equal in the level of science and technology to the Greeks and Egyptians. The Mayac Observatory was better oriented than the 17th century AD observatory in Paris. Mayan vases and cups bring to mind the style of the Etruscans, bas-reliefs - of India, pyramids - of the Khmers of Cambodia, calendars - of the Babylonians and Chaldeans, mathematics - of the Proto-Slavs, and knotted writing - of the Chinese. But the Mayans were “unfamiliar” with all of them. The myths of the Indians of Bolivia, living isolated even from many of their brethren, indicate that the ancient civilization of Bolivia collapsed 5,000 years ago after a conflict with a race of creatures “whose blood was not red.” These tales were recorded and published at the end of the 20th century by Cynthia Fine in the Parisian publishing house Artaud. In fact, the legends say that the Indians dared to resist almost aliens. Such a message hardly has a chance of getting into textbooks. But the Incas also said that their Teachers - the Sons of the Sun - came to Earth from the stars of the Pleiades.

Scientists were not inclined to believe the Indians, but knowledge from various fields of science testified to this. And so 40 years ago, the American archaeologist Hyatt Berrill began researching the culture of the peoples of Indian America, whose civilizations had long disappeared. He chose to present his observations, facts that had no logical explanations or hypotheses, not in a dissertation, but in the novel “Light Bridge.” He described the Incan city in the gorge. This city can only be reached via a light bridge made of ionized matter (remember the Scandinavian myths about the Bifrost rainbow bridge or the Persian myths about the Chinvat bridge, or the bridge of time described by Richard Bach in one of his novels). This Inca bridge appeared and disappeared at will. Burrill argued that his book was more than a collection of legends or science fiction. “Our level of civilization is not yet, or is no longer, high enough to evaluate and explain everything stated above. And does anyone need the Truth about the secrets and possibilities of ancient civilizations?” he wrote.

In myths, the gods are credited with possessing technologies that could hardly even be imagined by people barely emerging from a primitive state. Firstly, a powerful weapon. In “Mausola Parva” there is a strange description, incomprehensible both to ethnographers of the 19th and 20th centuries, and to us. It looks like this: “This unknown weapon, iron lightning, a giant messenger of death, turned the entire tribe of Vrishnis and Andhakas into ashes. The charred corpses could not even be identified. Hair and nails fell out, pots broke for no apparent reason, birds turned white. After a few hours, all food became poisonous. The lightning turned into a fine powder.” And it is not just words. As will be shown later, traces of the use of such weapons are discovered by archaeologists. Secondly, in myths what we now call unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are often mentioned as an attribute of the life of the gods: “The Asuras escaped by rising above the sky in their aerial cities sparkling with many bright lights... The Asuras directed their flying cities to stars, then along the entire sky, or even under the thickness of the ocean waters,” - myths of Ancient India.

The ancient Germans claimed that their ancestors arrived on “flying towers”... The Incas of Tiahuanca left a legend about a golden ship that arrived from the stars. It was commanded by a woman nicknamed the “Flying Tigress.” She brought knowledge to people, and after some time she ordered herself to be taken to the top of the mountain, where she “disappeared among thunder and lightning.”

Oxford professor Frederick Soddy at the beginning of the twentieth century advised scientists to read more carefully the myths and fairy tales of the peoples of the world and try to look at them from a scientific point of view. Soddy did not live to see the time when rocket and space technology became the pride of mankind. But will we live to the level described in the ancient Slavic (ancient Indian) treatises and poems “Vimanika Shastra”, “Mausola Parva”, in the epics “Mahabharata” and “Ramayana”? They describe in detail, using scientific terminology, the airships of the beginning of time. Some of them were in the form of a “special luminous ball” and made many revolutions around the Earth, driven by “an ethereal force striking the ground as they took off” or “by vibration emanating from an unknown force.” The ships of the Slavic-Aryan gods emitted “a sparkle like fire” and “gentle melodic sounds.” Their trajectory was not straight, but a long wavy line, moving them closer or further from the Earth." They looked like “azure clouds in the shape of an egg or a special luminous ball.” The material of vimanas (whitemars, whitemans) is described in detail in treatises - this is an alloy of several metals, white, red and at the same time light. Three substances, two solid and one liquid, obtained in the laboratory in accordance with the formulas set out in the book, were recently demonstrated by scientist Narin Sheth at the national symposium “Science and Technology in Ancient India” held in Hyderabad. And this is serious proof that ancient Slavic (ancient Indian) documents are not fiction.

On the vimanas there were weapons of terrible power - iron lightning, turning entire tribes and peoples into ashes, then all-drying weapons, there were also quivers with self-feeding arrows - a homing arrow that blazed in flight. And with all this, control of the vimanas depended not on physical strength and dexterity, but on the concentration of the spirit and tension of thought. "Glittering and flaming," the warrior engulfed in flames seemed to be dotted with "golden sparks" or "fire surrounded by flames in the midst of other fires." “A light brighter than a thousand suns” rose upward from the Earth, like a second sun, and the fetuses died in the wombs of their mothers.

In “Mausola Parva” there is a strange description, incomprehensible both to ethnographers of the 19th-20th centuries and to us, about the weapons used in the city of Mohenjo-Daro*. It goes like this: “This unknown weapon, iron lightning, a giant messenger of death, reduced the entire tribe of Vrishnis and Andhakas to ashes. The charred corpses could not even be identified. After a few hours, all food became poisonous. The lightning turned into a fine powder.”

The ruins of the huge city of Mohenjo-Daro, built entirely of adobe in the 3rd millennium BC, are located in the Indus River valley. The Acropolis, built on a high mound, the ramparts and the lower city, laid out according to strict rules, are evidence of an ancient system of urban planning. No, Mohenjo-Daro was not ravaged by enemy hordes - during excavations, no traces were found in the red-brick ruins that would confirm this. And the local residents did not have weapons. As one Russian author wrote, they “lived in an oasis of peace.” This proto-Indian agricultural civilization (the birthplace of cotton and rice), which also included another large city in the valley of the great river - Harappa, did not need an army at all and did not practice aggressive campaigns - there was no one to defend against. The versions of a flood, a global fire, the fall of a large meteorite, or the eruption of a volcano like Vesuvius also disappear. So are epidemics. Surprisingly, the city had running water. Water was supplied to houses on all streets that were 10 meters wide. There was also an extensive sewage system: sewage was discharged outside the city limits through pipes made of baked bricks. This made it possible to protect the city from the spread of dangerous infections.

This is what the scientific and technical treatises and epics of the Indians talked about, persistently pursuing the idea of ​​​​the imperfection of human nature, and therefore this knowledge is deliberately presented in fragments. It seems that it was her super-powerful weapon that destroyed the ancient Indian civilization. Exploring the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro, archaeologists D. Davenport and E. Vincenti came to the conclusion that “the city was destroyed by one powerful explosion. The area of ​​the epicenter is clearly delineated, where all buildings were leveled to the ground. From the center to the outskirts, the destruction gradually decreases. Among the ruins, melted stones and pieces of clay were found, which were once heated to a temperature of about 1500 degrees Celsius, and then quickly cooled. The overall picture is very reminiscent of the consequences of the nuclear explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”

But if we assume that a fabulously developed technical level of civilization was achieved in ancient times, then where are the traces of all this today? They exist, although in small quantities, and we are not yet sufficiently prepared to understand what is visible, because many machines are not similar to those with which humanity deals today, that is, to what our civilization calls machines. They do not have buttons, wheels, handles, or levers. In the legends of the same ancient Indians there are references to libraries, whose contents are contained in one crystal. For a long time this was a fantastic phenomenon, until a few years ago when quartz recording technology appeared in Russia.

The so-called NIOs - unusual fossil objects - are also worth a lot. The Salzburg parallelepiped*, the purpose of which has not yet been determined, has gone down in history.

Salzburg parallelepiped, 60 million years old. He was found by a worker from the Isidore Brown company in the city of Schöndorf. The coal was mined in Upper Austria at the Wolfsegg mine in the Tertiary seam. The find was a metal parallelepiped, measuring 67 by 62 by 47 millimeters and weighing 785 grams. The opposite sides of the parallelepiped are round and resemble pillows, and deep grooves are cut along its perimeter. In the twentieth century, the American writer Charles Fort proposed that it was processed by extraterrestrial aliens. There is also a hypothesis that it could be an ancient hammer, the grooves of which were used for fastening with ropes to a wooden handle. But the most important thing is that a metal object with traces of artificial origin was found in a piece of coal, which is approximately 60 million years old. To date, no more than a dozen fossil meteorites have been found, and regular shapes are not found at all.

In 1851, in Dorchester, America (location Dorchester County, USA, South Carolina), geologists extracted rock from a depth of 5 m - these are layers of the Tertiary period, tens of millions of years old.

Thus, gold and bronze objects of a similar type, found in Russia in the Russian Plain, in the Urals and Siberia, as well as in Colombia, Iraq, Egypt, China and a number of other regions, were included in museum catalogs under the name “birds”, until someone some of the specialists did not think about the nature of the “horizontal and vertical tail” and did not determine that this was the design of an ancient model of a jet aircraft such as the Russian spaceship-plane “Buran”*.

A lot has been written about Buran. A flight that surprised the whole world, an unmanned landing on Earth, a new breakthrough in space exploration... From French media reports in France on the day of Buran’s landing, television interrupted transmissions for an emergency call and to show the moment of our ship’s landing. The moment of Buran’s landing was demonstrated many times, it was filmed from different angles, and was enthusiastically commented on... In order for “Buran” to land on its own, an automatic landing was repeatedly practiced on its analogue, which completely copied all the components and systems of the complex. But here, too, scientists did not start from scratch. The first programs were tested on TU-154 aircraft. After this, work began on an analogue of the Buran. It was the largest and most expensive space exploration program in Russian history - the Buran Space Program. The only disappointing thing is the end of this titanic and persistent work, which was canceled in 1993 due to “the political situation and lack of funding.” And some similarity with the appearance of the American Shuttle makes people forget all the impressive results that Russian engineers achieved. Fully automated, based on Soviet on-board software, the Buran spacecraft made its first flight in 1988. Without a crew on board, Buran was able to rise into space, make two orbits around the Earth and make a successful landing at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. This fact was even included in the Guinness Book of Records. The Buran spacecraft was launched into space using the Energia launch vehicle, no less outstanding in technology at that time, which could deliver more than 200 tons of payload into space. On November 15, 1988, the Soviet Union successfully tested the Buran spacecraft, a reusable spacecraft. After the launch of the universal rocket and space transport system "Energia" with the spacecraft "Buran", the orbital spacecraft Buran entered the designed orbit, made a two-orbit flight around the Earth and landed automatically on the landing strip of the Baikonur Cosmodrome. This is an outstanding success of Russian science and technology, opening a qualitatively new stage in the Russian space research program. The Buran spacecraft is built according to the design of a tailless aircraft with a delta wing of variable sweep, and has aerodynamic controls that operate during landing after returning to the dense layers of the atmosphere - a rudder and elevons. It is capable of making a controlled descent in the atmosphere with lateral maneuver up to 2000 kilometers. The length of the Burana spacecraft is 36.4 meters, the wingspan is about 24 meters, the height of the ship when it is on the chassis is more than 16 meters. The launch weight of the ship is more than 100 tons, of which 14 tons are fuel. Its spacious cargo compartment can accommodate payloads weighing up to 30 tons. A sealed all-welded cabin for the crew and most of the equipment to support flight as part of the rocket and space complex, autonomous flight in orbit, descent and landing is inserted into the bow compartment. The cabin volume is more than 70 cubic meters. A very important feature of the Buran spacecraft is its powerful thermal protection, which ensures normal thermal conditions for the structure of the ship when passing through dense layers of the atmosphere during landing. The thermal protection coating consists of a large number (about 38 thousand) of tiles, manufactured with high precision from special materials (quartz fiber, high-temperature organic fibers, partly carbon-based material) according to programs that take into account the installation location of each tile on the body. The main propulsion system is located at the rear of the ship; two groups of engines for maneuvering are located at the end of the tail section and the front of the hull. The on-board control complex consists of more than fifty systems that are controlled automatically according to programs embedded in the on-board computer. The first flight of the Buran spacecraft lasted 205 minutes and ended with a successful landing on a special landing strip about 5 kilometers long and 80 meters wide, created in the area of ​​the Baikonur Cosmodrome. This was the first and to this day the only automatic landing of a reusable spacecraft in the history of astronautics. A new outstanding contribution has been made to space exploration, Russian science and technology have won a brilliant victory. Rus' is here too - First, first - in everything!

Another discovery of the century was the famous “Chavin Stela of Raimondi” from Peru with the image of a steam engine. The relief of the “Raimondi Stele” represents a structure of four steam boilers inserted into each other. Cold water is poured into the top one, steam is supplied to the second one from above, and boiling water is injected into the third boiler through two valves, becoming steam, since the last boiler is on fire. The steam is pushed out by two side rotating cylinders in counterclockwise motion. This steam engine can become not only a source of energy. The robot was made on the same basis - its image is on another stele - it could swing a sword and snap its fingers. The attention of scientists was attracted by an ancient Mayak relief found by John Stefans (American researcher, professor, teaching at the University of Hawaii) in the city of Palenque, representing the figure of an Indian youth on roller skates in high lace-up boots. On another stele from Bonampak, the relief depicts no less than an astronaut at the control panel. Stone robots were found near Bogota (before that, only Greek myths told about them, and even then they associated this miracle of engineering with the name of the great master from Hyperborea - Daedalus). By the way, in an article from the Flying Saucier Review magazine for April 1976, Aimé Michel (1919-1992, French ufologist, journalist, writer) cited numerous evidence of the existence of robots in ancient times, which indicates a high level of technological development. One of the books of Hermes Trismegistus, Asclepius, speaks of certain statues in Egyptian temples that could be animated by “cosmic forces” at certain times of the year. The Greeks borrowed a lot from the Egyptians, and their traditions were continued by the Romans, Byzantines and Moors. The poet Virgil (Publius Virgil Maro, 70 BC - 19 BC - national poet of Ancient Rome, author of the Aeneid, nicknamed the "Mantuan Swan") received a reputation as a "reviver of statues" in Naples: With the help of the “bronze fly,” he expelled all living flies from the city, and then made a bronze youth who monitored the maintenance of fire in the thermal baths (Roman baths).

In the Mayak city of Chichen Itza (named after the Mayak tribe “Itza”, which in the middle of the 5th century found a natural cenote here - a well and settled around it) in the ancient sports stadium there have been two stones with fist-sized holes and potholes since time immemorial. Between them is a playing field, like a football field. Those stones are telephones. Bent down to the openings one could talk without fear